Loking for Help & Advice


New Member
I am a newbie to the world of insurance. I recently was received my P&C license. Two weeks in and I am lost. It seems like the phone has stopped ringing that has me scared. How does everyone else in the business get started. I have called all family and friends and am looking for some guidance. Where can I get fliers made? Are there any scripts for cold calls that work well for you? Any and all help is appreciated. How did you initially get started, what did you do? :swoon:
The phone will not ring unless you make it ring. Mostly you need to be ringing other people's phones.
Do you have a mentor or manager? Do you have a previous sales background? It might be best, if you not sure about things, to learn from someone who has been in the business for a while before jumping in..
I am a newbie to the world of insurance. I recently was received my P&C license. Two weeks in and I am lost. It seems like the phone has stopped ringing that has me scared. How does everyone else in the business get started. I have called all family and friends and am looking for some guidance. Where can I get fliers made? Are there any scripts for cold calls that work well for you? Any and all help is appreciated. How did you initially get started, what did you do? :swoon:

The problem with waiting for your phone to ring is you are sitting there with it. If you are not using it, get out and meet people. COLD-CALLING is your answer. If you are not talking to people, you are not selling, which means you are not making money.

Which carrier do you represent?

I cold-called P&C customers for 3 hours today, and I have a 3 renewal dates for this year, an appointment tomorrow, and a declaration page sitting on my desk to work on a commercial quote this week. Oh, I only sell commercial insurance, not personal lines.

You can do it too.
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Do you work for an agency/office?

I work for an agency.
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Do you have a mentor or manager? Do you have a previous sales background? It might be best, if you not sure about things, to learn from someone who has been in the business for a while before jumping in..

I do have a sales background, and my mentor/manager is pretty much working/living off of his renewals. I understand cold calling is a big part of the business, but was wondering if there where any other ways to go about building a successful business. As I was making calls I just kept saying to myself there has to be another way to go about this. Maybe there isn't. Please keep the comments coming. I really do appreciate them all.
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Bill Good, "Hot Prospects"
Amazon.com: Hot Prospects: The Proven Prospecting System to Ramp Up Your Sales Career (9781416542919): Bill Good: Books

Jay Conrad Levinson, "Guerilla Marketing"
Amazon.com: Guerrilla Marketing, 4th edition: Easy and Inexpensive Strategies for Making Big Profits from Your Small Business (9780618785919): Jay Conrad Levinson: Books

Between these two books, you'd have the ammunition and strategies that you need.

The key will be actually doing the work. That alone would set you apart from 85% of your competition, seriously.

I hate scripts. Volume isn't always the answer.

When I was doing phone sales (advertising market, not insurance), I was researching my companies before calling. Build rapport. Get to know their company and pitch after you figure out a way that your product (insurance) fits in with them.

Ask some softball questions:
ie: I was on your website and it looks like you guys have a really solid company going. How many are on your team?