Looking for a Company to Represent


I have been out of the insurance business for about 2 years due to medical reasons. I enjoy final expense selling and am looking for one good company to represent. Although I still get renewal checks, I was not happy when my previous company terminated me for going into the hospital! Would prefer a highly rated company. High commissions. Low rates. And easy to contract with. I am in Ohio. Thanks!
Your best bet is to go independent and carry a variety of highly-qualified carriers. Allows you to be simultaneously flexible and competitive in your offerings to your clients.

Also assess you plan to prospect -- direct mail, telemarketing, door to door -- as well as how much capital you have to outlay into a marketing campaign.

Todd King has all the most competitive contracts to sell FE; EFES and Securus are the most notable lead-subsidizing companies (at a cut to your commission).

You could give us additional information and I as well as others could suggest a more specific route based on your goals.
I just started looking today so I am wide open. Not sure if I want to be just part of a big mass organization where I am just a number or 2 if I am working my own leads so I am staying away from NAA and other marketing ploys. Don't know what is hot and what is going on in my region. Will look at any and all suggestions and appreciate your help. Thanks!
If you have lingering health issues, you may want to consider a phone sales program.You will find several here on the forum from which to choose.
I thought about that but I am a face to face kitchen table kind of guy. Plus I think its too easy to say no over the phone. Thanks
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My ideal company would pay fast and friendly commissions. It would have nice trips and other gifts you could win. And there would be people there to help as near as your phone. Oh and a good cheap lead program would be nice too! :1biggrin:
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Thanks for the kudos Reardon; I really appreciate it.

Hjd, you can give me a call at your convenience if you like.
Ok, anything you can tell me up front so I can be prepared? Anything you can post here or by PM? I live in the country and cell reception tends to fade in and out a bit. Thanks.
