Looking for agency suggestions


New Member
I will be brand new to insurance sales with the exception of 5 years selling pre need cemetery and funeral products and services in the past. I am looking to partner with an agency that is NOT MLM or captive that focuses heavily on final expense. Eventually, I would like to add Med Sup when I'm ready. I am also looking for an agency that has excellent training. I am looking to work remote as I thrive working independently but need a solid agency and management behind me. I'm willing to invest in leads, however I would like to avoid supporting an agencies side gig if possible. I feel being pushed to sell insurance and buy leads from the same company clouds the trust. Please correct me if I'm being unreasonable about this. My Facebook feed is crammed full of life insurance opportunities it makes my head spin. Could any seasoned agents point me to some reputable, ethical and honest companies? Thanks so much for your help.
I will be brand new to insurance sales with the exception of 5 years selling pre need cemetery and funeral products and services in the past. I am looking to partner with an agency that is NOT MLM or captive that focuses heavily on final expense. Eventually, I would like to add Med Sup when I'm ready. I am also looking for an agency that has excellent training. I am looking to work remote as I thrive working independently but need a solid agency and management behind me. I'm willing to invest in leads, however I would like to avoid supporting an agencies side gig if possible. I feel being pushed to sell insurance and buy leads from the same company clouds the trust. Please correct me if I'm being unreasonable about this. My Facebook feed is crammed full of life insurance opportunities it makes my head spin. Could any seasoned agents point me to some reputable, ethical and honest companies? Thanks so much for your help.
You have practically described my agency. FexContracting.com
I started in the industry selling funeral PreNeed. I earned many top agent award there before moving into FE sales and added Medicare a few years later. After I had been a personal producer for 15 years I started the FexContracting agency.
Our model is exactly what you are describing. We start you day one with your full commission levels that many agencies make you work up to. That means most FE companies are 120% (real 120% not the fake kind which have seen if you have looked around much).
Every agent is direct to the IMO. Everyone receives training the same way which has produced many of this industry's most consistent long term big hitters.
You have access to set cost direct mail leads OR you are just as welcome to get leads anywhere that you want. And I can guide you to all the established lead vendors in the biz. The majority of our agents have been on our set cost direct mail leads and have bought them weekly for years. Some for nearly a decade straight. I guess that tells you they are pretty good. But you are not required to go on them because they are definitely not a profit center for us.
Commission levels, interviews with some of our agents, etc. are available right on our website without even needing to speak to anyone or fill out anything. We are very transparent which is one of our main draws.
Check us out. Then call me if you would like to talk.
Getting Started with FE Sales
I will also throw our hat into the ring!

We do both FE and Medicare (along with a few other things). We have all the tools you would need to work remotely as well. https://www.trkingim.com/no-cost-software-and-tools-for-insurance-agents/

Our commissions are mostly 120% for FE. Med Supps are kind of all over the place and will usually range anywhere from 19% to 22% to start, depending on the company.

Just visit our website, see what you think, then give us a call if you like.
I will be brand new to insurance sales with the exception of 5 years selling pre need cemetery and funeral products and services in the past. I am looking to partner with an agency that is NOT MLM or captive that focuses heavily on final expense. Eventually, I would like to add Med Sup when I'm ready. I am also looking for an agency that has excellent training. I am looking to work remote as I thrive working independently but need a solid agency and management behind me. I'm willing to invest in leads, however I would like to avoid supporting an agencies side gig if possible. I feel being pushed to sell insurance and buy leads from the same company clouds the trust. Please correct me if I'm being unreasonable about this. My Facebook feed is crammed full of life insurance opportunities it makes my head spin. Could any seasoned agents point me to some reputable, ethical and honest companies? Thanks so much for your help.

I would suggest that you learn the fundamentals of prospecting and hopefully wherever you go teaches you how to prospect. Whether you are prospecting cold market, leads, or warm market it is very important you learn to prospect effectively. Also I would suggest you learn to generate your own leads and know your ad copy because it makes your calls go a lot smoother in guiding the prospect where you want them to go. Also practicing and role playing is also helpful. We are currently helping agents generate leads for final expense at $0.55 each, but we always explain leads don't mean much if you can't prospect. If you wanted to speak and like some guidance, I would be glad to speak with you.
I would like to know more about your $0.55 final expense leads. My email is kacie_hooks@yahoo.com
I have also messaged you about the video that you have for generating FB leads. If you could send me the video, and information on the final expense leads, I would love to work with you.
I would suggest that you learn the fundamentals of prospecting and hopefully wherever you go teaches you how to prospect. Whether you are prospecting cold market, leads, or warm market it is very important you learn to prospect effectively. Also I would suggest you learn to generate your own leads and know your ad copy because it makes your calls go a lot smoother in guiding the prospect where you want them to go. Also practicing and role playing is also helpful. We are currently helping agents generate leads for final expense at $0.55 each, but we always explain leads don't mean much if you can't prospect. If you wanted to speak and like some guidance, I would be glad to speak with you.
Are these truly a lead, meaning a person that has expressed some interest, or just a name of someone who fits a certain demographic?
I can endorse both Newby and Todd King. You're in great hands with both of them. I work with Ben Boman at Final Expense Services. In almost a decade of selling I've never met an agency owner with such deep specific knowledge and such a robust system. Couldn't recommend him enough. He'll give you REAL street level comp(120%) for FE. If I were starting FE as an independent all over again, those 3 IMO's are the only ones I'd consider working with.

Just to be clear, good IMO's only sell leads because it allows the agents to buy a set amount at a fixed price with profitable age and income demographics. Some sell leads for a profit, but none of the ones mentioned so far do.
I have some ideas on great places to work, but even more importantly, how do you feel about your brand and message?

What I mean is that one thing that will differentiate you from everybody else regardless of what platform you use for your back office and the only asset you will always own and control.

In other words,
1. No more starting over when you change platforms (yes, you will)
2. No more shooting blanks when networking, presenting, and marketing.

While most companies offer decent training, have yet to find one that teaches the principles of this.