Looking for Exclusive Leads

natalie cooper

New Member
Can anyone recommend a good lead company for final expense exclusive leads. I'm willing to to pay around $30-$40 each. Tired of calling people who have been called by 8 other agents. I'd appreciate the advise.
There is a gentleman on here that is offering a telemarketing lead service where he's actually generating them himself. I believe he's focusing on Medicare, but may also do FE.

Your best bet is probably to do direct mail. It's the most consistent way to generate exclusive FE leads.
Can anyone recommend a good lead company for final expense exclusive leads. I'm willing to to pay around $30-$40 each. Tired of calling people who have been called by 8 other agents. I'd appreciate the advise.

While you may find leads that are exclusive in being sold only to you by that vendor there really is no such thing as an "exclusive lead" for FE.

The vendor you hire will not be the only vendor contacting the prospects. Others will still mail or call those same people.
Thanks. I think I should have specified online leads. Typically these companies sell the inquiry to up to 8 people. I am looking for a lead service that will send the online inquiry to only one agent.
Thanks. I think I should have specified online leads. Typically these companies sell the inquiry to up to 8 people. I am looking for a lead service that will send the online inquiry to only one agent.

I would be very surprised if you found anyone. The closest would be HometownQuotes.com premium lead service (I forget what they're calling it), it's guaranteed to go to a much smaller pool and I think they do have exclusive. I'd shoot [email protected] an email if I were you.
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Josh, do you have the name of the guy doing the medicare leads?

I've probably talked to the guy 10 times and know he's on here too. If it wasn't Monday I would probably think of it faster, I was hoping he'd chime in.

Just looked through my phone, his name is Nate. His name on here is budjm, shoot me an email if you want his number, [email protected].
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Thanks. I think I should have specified online leads. Typically these companies sell the inquiry to up to 8 people. I am looking for a lead service that will send the online inquiry to only one agent.

You're never going to find that FYI. But we have Live Tele-marketed leads that are exclusive. Min 5 a day. You can hear actual samples at the link in my signature below. Mention this Thread and they are $18.

Good luck
what is the minimum per week, month or is it 5 a day every day of the week? What demographics do you go after such as household income?
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Thanks. I think I should have specified online leads. Typically these companies sell the inquiry to up to 8 people. I am looking for a lead service that will send the online inquiry to only one agent.

Here is the problem with this idea... IMO

If a prospect is searching online for life ins (FE or otherwise) they tend to go onto multiple sites and enter their info in multiple venues. So even if you are paying a premium to one lead vendor for this exclusive data, the same prospects info is likely on at least one or more other lead vendors site(s), who are going to sell this info to multiple agents. So your exclusive lead has now turned into you being one of 4, 5 or 6 agents still.

The only exclusive lead is one that you generate yourself from start to finish... and even then they are being solicited by others at the same time.