Looking for FE Agent

Sounds like " Hey Sailor Wanta date, You number one!"

Hey man, You are not the only one in the house. But you need to watch and learn from the other ladies. Can't just go straight for the wallet.

Of course the older girls are now going to school you.
Here is the Craigslist ad:

Date: 2010-02-16, 4:04PM EST
Reply to: [email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?]

Must be comfortable on the phone but no insurance experience needed.

Paid Training draw against commissions. Should earn $30k+ first year, $50k+ 2nd year
Build a Residual Income for a career.

If you are a highly motivated, well spoken and money motivated person who is looking for a career, this is the job for you.

The successful candidates will have:
1) An excellent work ethic
2) Well spoken and highly motivated to succeed
3) Excellent computer skills
4) Willingness to learn

Opportunity to grow and develop a career for a lifetime of renewal income

Please email a copy of your resume to: [email protected]
That ad actually looks fairly realistic.
It doesn't promise that you will make six figures and only work two days a week.
WOW ...

I was not aware the English mayor...

Sailor Bob ... That's just a little to Friendly for me ... buddy boy ... lol

Yes work 2 days and make millions .. What are we doing running an MLM campaign ...

Guys ... Smile ... It just the NEW GUY ...