Looking for Some Agent Training


I currently own an employee benefits company and have on a limited basis started to expand into P&C. At this point I know enough to be dangerous and am looking for some education on how to make sure accord forms are filled out and the basic day to day stuff a P&C agent should know.

Any reccomendations on where I might find these classes and/or books.
Join your State Big I. Find it at Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America - Home pick your State and Join.

They are a great resource for education, training and clustering arrangements with other small agencies.

They will be affiliated with AgentSecure: Your Online Wholesale Solution and you can have great underwriting and backoffice support as you build your book of business. once you are a consistent producer, they will assist you in obtaining a contract direct with the carriers. Though you may not want to take on the overhead if Employee Benefits are your bag.

Many firms like yours are concerned on the eventual impact of ObamaCare on your income. Don't blame you and preparing for this eventuality is smart.

Many of agents such as yourself have been using RapidChex as a way of diversifying their income by adding on Payroll and HR Services for their clients. They are the only payroll company that does not try and take insurance away from the agent (ala, ADP and Paychex). In fact they guarantee not to compete with the agent in writing. I have been affiliated with them for years and have put over 1,200 clients with them all receiving great service.