Looking to add a solid GUL company...

I was half joking about sending O'Wino the deals.

However, there quite a few split deals going on. A lot of FE guys are pretty tied to a particular upline or two. I believe most Life and Senior agents here are mostly lone wolves. I have done split cases with agents downline from Todd, Matt, Dave, Ben, 360 and a couple others. The only one I have any contracts with is Todd. I usually call one of those guys and say I need an agent that can do X (not XXX) and they try to hook me up. My point is, don't walk away from a referral just because it is in another state, needs to be done F2F or a line you don't do.

All IMohsoHO
This is one of the best threads I have read in a long time.
Solid info and great answers from everyone.
I have a question about Sagicor.
Does their rating bother anyone?

Are they an A- now?