Looks Like NFPO Co-Op Is A Done Deal

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Re: Looks Like NFPO Co-Op Is A Done Deal Go to Top

Looks like government option is DOA, co-op will be a go and funded. The restrictions on operating costs/capital will prob bring it in line with the existing NFPO carriers.

I expect that the for-profits are going to have to get a bit leaner and meaner to compete. I also expect that administrative costs including agent commissions will have to be reduced to compete.

There is also indication that the co-ops may be on a by-state basis to follow exisiting state regs and mandates. Perhaps we can get paid from both the private (at a lower commission rate) and the co-op?

If you are a provider, you gotta believe that if insurance carriers are headed toward co-ops that the providers will have to line up accordingly in order for the co-op to the get the alleged savings. I mean that is where the real action is for savings right? It will start getting interesting right off. Reduced insurance premiums are only part of the picture although the most discussed. In a small state, if your co-op covers the whole state it will begin to look like provincial health care in Canada, eh?

It was funny the way that Obama sidestepped this question yesterday from the naturalized mexican immigrant woman who said that she had had lots of great medical care through her insurance policy but complained loudly that she could not go where she wanted to and had to stay within a network. If Obama had been honest, instead of the jive that he gave her, he should have just said: "Get used to it."

Or perhaps, in the words of the great Canadian classic rock band B.T.O., he should have said –

"Ba,Ba,Baby, you ain't seen Na,Na,Nuth'n yet …

Arn, is this spelled correctly?

Good work. You deserve at least 5 gold stars for spelling. I couldn't find any on the icon list, so I will give you five big grins instead!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Somarco, I agree with your last 2 posts.
The "non profit" offerings we have seen were no great deal?
That is exactly how they are trying to sell this to the masses.
Can't frigg'n wait to see what they come out with. They almost have to come out with something, just to save face at this point, but I think it's gonna smell like burnt robin in terms of coverage and price.
Probably only gimps with money will take it; but again at least they will be able to say they offered "a" plan.

All depends on how much the government is subsidizing them in the background. Yes, I know they allegedly are only going to provide start-up costs and some help to cover the fact that they dont have any reserves at start-up. Lots and lots of ways for the government to make life easier for the co-op than the privates though.
Getting juicier by the hour.
I can't wait to see what this morphs into next.
I do wish this thing would come to some sort of a conclusion.
To me, like I rambled on about before, this whole thing is an angle to expand medicaid. He just wants to further secure that impoverished Black / Latin voting block of 85,000,000 along with any asians / whites dumb enough to believe they might get something for nothing.
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Non-profit has nothing to do with rates. In MD a Carefirst HMO for a family on their 40's run around $1,400.

In my state you have to be a non-profit to operate here, rates are higher than the other states in which I've run quotes. Somehow Assurant gets around the rules, not sure how they do it.
My wife said she had a co - op through her job like 10 - 15 years ago.
She says it blew. Had to drive 1/2 hour to get to this one place for everything. Couldn't get meds. at a Walgreens for example. I don't know about cost because it was paid for by her employer ...
C'mon, people complain about these huge PPO networks sometimes ... unless it's a total free be they ain't go'n for that? Were home free.
Even snagle tooth Dean sh*t all over co - ops saying that they can in no way compete.
Yeah, big business saves the day! Me likey. Get ready for the windfall boys!
The war is over!
The war is over!
The war is over! (sing it Yoko)
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