Looks Like NFPO Co-Op Is A Done Deal

In my state you have to be a non-profit to operate here,

When did that happen? (I assume you are referring to any carrier offering health insurance, not just HMO's).

I lived in B'ham mid to late 70's and there were no such requirements of health carriers.
In response to -

Winter vbmenu_register("postmenu_180411", true);

Originally Posted by ins.dave
Were home free!​
Homeless maybe.

Spending Our Way to Prosperity

Na. This thing is cave'n, Barry will have his 15 mins., take Michelle; his book money; go organize something out in the country.
Back to business as usual.
White House appears ready to drop 'public option' - Yahoo! News

Looks like government option is DOA, co-op will be a go and funded. The restrictions on operating costs/capital will prob bring it in line with the existing NFPO carriers.

I expect that the for-profits are going to have to get a bit leaner and meaner to compete. I also expect that administrative costs including agent commissions will have to be reduced to compete.

There is also indication that the co-ops may be on a by-state basis to follow exisiting state regs and mandates. Perhaps we can get paid from both the private (at a lower commission rate) and the co-op?

May 6, 2014

The results are in for Illinois: The Land of Lincoln (aka: LOL) government sponsored/funded cooperative was a dismal failure in the 2014 Open Enrollment. The Federal Government used $160 Million U.S. Taxpayer dollars to set up LOL. Of the 217,000 plans chosen on the Illinois Marketplace, only 3,600 (1.65%) were Land of Lincoln health insurance policies. A Pitiful Waste of U.S. Taxpayer dollars.

Comment Posted to CRAINS Chicago Business from one of the 3,600 L.O.L. customers:

LOL C. 12 hours ago
I'm one of those 3,600 customers that signed up with Land of Lincoln Health. I regret that decision now and wish I could switch to BCBS. Land of Lincoln outsources their benefits administration, their website sucks, the customer service is horrible, and they seem completely clueless on how to actually provide insurance to customers. Call their customer service line, and in order to get info, you have to go on hold for 10 minutes, and then the front line CS people don't even know what is going on. I have to escalate to a supervisor every time I call. I'm in the process of filing a complaint with the state board of insurance. If they do sell plans on the exchange next year, stay away. It's not worth the $200 I saved on my family plan. Honestly, it's not worth anything."

That pretty much defines co-ops, huh? Outsource everything, come in cheap, and provide spectacularly bad service.
Land of Lincoln - where $44,444.44 of your tax dollars enrolls each person in coverage.