Lost MedSupp Clients...

So far this season we've lost two medsupp clients. One moved back to the city where he had MAPD so he reenrolled. One lady is border line poverty and had to drop her coverage and go with Medicare alone.

Of course we've had a couple die, but I don't think of those as lost in the same sense. Anyone else notice a higher death rate in the early winter?
I've only had one die this year and it was earlier in the year.

I'm up to 5 deaths for just this month. Still a few days left.
This is not typical. I sometimes go several months w/o a death.
On all of these deaths, the OED's were from 1980 to 1983.
There's times I might go a few months without losing a policyholder to death, then I'll have them in bunches. I Probably lost near 10 due to death in 2009. Most of them are supplement policies.

I did lose a nice lady recently that had a med-supp....life and LTC policy with me. Lost a few more to death that had supplements and a few that had life policies. Had one lady that died a few months ago where the monthly commish on her supplement was over $40.

I always check the obits on 2 websites every morning. Yeah, I know it's depressing, but it's a fact of life.
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Well, after all, they're not young pups when you sign 'em up.

Getting renewals for 10 years is rare in most cases, I would think.
MIL is rocking along at 85. Tokin' on one cig right behind another, (me too), with a black cup of coffee since about 21 years of age, and can still play tennis if she wanted to.

Oh well, as the non smoking crowd would say. "Those things are gonna kill you!" Wonder when they're gonna get her?
I lost a client two weeks after signing her up on a FE plan.
The company paid the claim but I got charged back the commision.