Mailing Quotes to Unknown Prospects


Super Genius
Ive got a company that is killing prices on apartments.

Has anyone ever done rough quotes (can find almost everything i need to secretary of state, and assessor website) and mailed, and followed up called prospects? Most of my marketing is in person cold calling and referrals. I hate calling people on the phone.

There would be a disclaimer any quote was subject to loss history and financial info.

Probably the biggest waste of time imaginable.

Two major issues with your statements.
1. Apartments have the lowest commissions/premiums. Home is best.
2. You hate phone sales.

If you prefer face to face you need to soley focus on commercial. Large commercial. Sounds like P&C business is going to spit you out.
Curious, you mention marketing apartments, using assessor website and you already do commercial. Are you talking about insuring the tenant or insuring the building?

Mailers, in both cases, probably are not that effective. Tenants either bought coverage when they moved in (i.e., required) or they tend not to think they need it. It tends to be an uphill battle as a stand-alone product.

Building owners probably won't ever see the mailer you send. Even if they do, I can't see them being overly responsive to this sort of mailer. Wouldn't hurt to try, I just wouldn't hold my breath to get it to work.

Ive got a company that is killing prices on apartments.

Has anyone ever done rough quotes (can find almost everything i need to secretary of state, and assessor website) and mailed, and followed up called prospects? Most of my marketing is in person cold calling and referrals. I hate calling people on the phone.

There would be a disclaimer any quote was subject to loss history and financial info.


Greetings Faker Fake, I would like to know which Carrier is killing it with rates for Apartment Buildings, you have 10 years of Commercial experience s I really am eager to pick your brain, I just got officially licensed recently.

How do you find the key person at these apartment buildings? Do you do better with new or long established buildings?

I can understand wanting to mail, that really is similar in ways to inbound marketing where you want/hope they call you based on some quick direct advertising. I would encourage you to find BillyJ on here, he has an excellent book on SEO and i think that would help you in conjunction with what you do.

What state do you operate in? You sound like you know what you are doing, look forward to more Commercial posts from you.

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