Maine Granted MLR Waiver As Carriers Threaten to Pull Out

Crabcake Johnny

5000 Post Club
Maine has become the first state to become exempt from the MLRs. I wonder how the other 55 states feel about this?

And if I'm reading this right, Maine was granted a waiver only because Mega Life threatened to pull out of the market? They're currently running a 65% MLR? Totally insane.

Health care reform waiver granted to Maine -

"The U.S. Health and Human Services department announced Tuesday it's delaying for three years a requirement that insurers spend 80 cents to 85 cents of every premium dollar on medical care and quality improvement after one of three insurers offering individual plans in Maine threatened to withdraw from the state."
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Isn't that wonderful!

And Maine 3 carriers, Blue, Mega and someone else.

I am sure other carriers will now flock to be approved to write business in the state.

Where is the loss if Mega did pull out?
WTF is going on with all these indie and state waivers? I mean really, WTF? How about MY waiver? How is any of this random waiver stuff equitable?
So....since this isn't sinking in and since this literally killed the careers of thousands of health agents....Mega Life threatens to pull out...with a 65% MLR and HHS caves?

I feel like I'm literally in a Twilight Zone episode.
Maine has three carriers for Individual Health...thats news to me....Oh they are counting Dirigo Health as a carrier...So its Mega, Anthem and Dirigo.

And another way you can tell Maine is screwed up is that Mega has 37% of the Indvidiual Market.
Oh My! Where do you start with the criticisms on this one?

1 - MEGA??? HHS is saving Mega??? Go figure. Perhaps they are mini-med enough for Sebellius.

2 - Waviers, waivers everywhere. Over 1000 waivers now for mini-meds, a waiver for any state that can do Obamacare better than Obama, waivers for 1099 fiasco, delay for grandfathering rules & penalties...

3 - Maine is already a "reformed" healthcare state. HHS has to rescue one of its "model" states? If that's not bad enough, the fact that they have to bail them out by continuing Mega is beyond laughable.

What a mess.
So....since this isn't sinking in and since this literally killed the careers of thousands of health agents....Mega Life threatens to pull out...with a 65% MLR and HHS caves?

I feel like I'm literally in a Twilight Zone episode.

I just play this all day long while working, it seems to fit so well :yes:

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