Make It Though the House?

A good agent will always be able to make money selling other lines of business....I'm more worried about the massive increase in premiums and potential implications on the economy itself than my own commissions.
"Help! I've fallen and lost my six-figure commission... and I can't get up."

This is what you politically ignorant neo-cons get for thinking that just saying "no" long and loud was going to win.

Nobody here is talking income except you Alison. You're in your sixties and act like a whiney baby. Stop bitching.

When this piece of dung legislation bankrupts the country and screws up the whole healthcare system within ten years I'll remember how proud you were for that to happen.

Pass anything whether good or bad is your motto, huh?
Congrats for being the problem and not the solution!:1arghh:
Keep in mind, this was a baby step towards the end goal. Okay, a huge baby step, but still, only marks about 25% of the way done.

There was an obviously large amount of arm twisting to get this through, and people can vote 'Aye', knowing they get another vote later. It remains to be seen how many people where persuaded to vote for this so they could get through the 'historic moment', knowing they can vote their concience later.

My view is a bit different from Al's. I seem to have a lot more tolerance, but, he's old, I understand. Actually, I can understand (but still disagree) with those who want single payor. I see what their goal is, basically health care as a basic right (life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, and free flu shots), I simply don't understand what the purpose of this legislation is.......

Oh wait, I remember now, it serves 2 purposes, maybe 3. Medicare is broke, so by basically enlarging it, medicare can survive for a bit longer (remains to be seen). The second reason is many politicians blame wealthy individuals for the problems in America. The 3rd is simply 'Because they can', a bit of wealth distribution.

It does not appear to solve:
- Cost of healthcare. This will continue to go up, with, according to the CBO, perhaps an increased overall cost.
- Denial of treatment issues. Medicare has the highest denial rate. This will continue.
- Improve healthcare. Nothing about this, except some well check stuff, might improve your healthcare.

I'd like to be a believer. I just see more unintended consequences causing problems than I see benefit from this legislation.


P.S. For those who want a reference for medicare denials, see Healthcare Economist Medicare more likely to deny claims than commerical health insurers

Problem is, it doesn't tell the story really. Many things aren't even submitted since they are know to be denied in advance.
As the MickeyD's ad goes, "I'm lovin' it!"

Yo fatface ... get your own material?
Big deal. So now we are off of the bunny trail and onto the actual ski slope ...
About time.
I wonder if we will actually have a real vote before the midterms?
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Pelosi was looking so hot last night that one of the republican guys broke and voted with her. Have mercy on your brother, we all succumb to temptations of the flesh.