Greenwood, just south of Indy. Yeah converting prospects into sales is the whole idea. Plus getting my name/face out there. Worst case scenario I can use the cards for referrals or with other prospecting ideas.
Getting your name/face out there is over-rated... it is all about converting those f2f mtgs into sales. Do not expect that ppl will call you back if they blow you off or aren't ready to move fwd now... very few will. Close the sale on the first go round, period, or move onto another mtg from a f2f intro. I'm merely saying that do not get a warm and fuzzy if you get a handful of ppl who want to think it over and get back to you... not happening.
Get em on paper and they can think about it all they want... Good luck on em, and do not take the above as any discouragement... great that you are developing interest from the contacts. Go close the deals!!!