Mass Mutual broker that can split a comm ?

He wouldn't be paid. Unless he works out something in advance with the Mass Mutual agent. Already said this to him in a different thread on Monday. Not always about being paid in our business. It is about doing the right thing for the client.

Yeah I agree with you. It's about doing the right thing for the client and the right thing in general. That's why I say a MM GA would be his best bet in a situation like this.
That is awesome. I do the same until someone appears to abuse the pro bono help
Funny you mention that. I was working pro bono on a California OneAmerica application about a year ago because a lady told me she couldn't work with the agent her husband got approved with, and after 2 weeks I fired her. At the end I figured it wasn't her husband's agent that was the problem it was more than likely her lol.
Only if GA or the sub-agent is fluid in LTC. More often not the case.

Most agencies have an "LTC person." With Mass contract you can also get LTC pre-sales support. How good they are is a toss up.

However, I dont believe this is the goal of the OP as the purpose of this tread was to truly get commissions as the title says.

You admittedly, me, nor anyone else that's not a MM GA can help him do much in that area.
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