Massachusetts Implosion in 5...4...3

And another theory debunked; that hospital costs are high due to treating the uninsured. Under this, now busted, theory hospital have to eat hundreds of thousands a year due to treating patients without coverage.

This was something greatly touted before the MA. reform regarding bringing costs down - everyone will have insurance.

Well, under their own stats, 94% have coverage. So...why haven't the hospitals realized those huge savings? Anyone? Bueller?
The big reason that Mass rejected the premiums is that the current governor(Deval Patrick) is taking a beating in the polls and probably will lose the upcoming election. Plus they merged the individual and small group markets and won't allow the ind. rates to increase.
Biggest factor in renewal action is utilization which is through the roof.

Which is a trend likely to continue until the end of time. It doesn't help that as a population we are getting more and more unhealthy and needing more and more medicare care ON TOP of folks going to the doctor for a rolled ankle and the sniffles.