Massachusetts - it hits the fan

I'm not sure where you got your info but most of the info on the penalties is wrong.

Fine for 2007 is $219. That's the loss of the personal exemption. Fine for 2008 is a max of $92 per month. No fine for children.

People 3x Federal poverty level are getting some form of reduced premium state sponsored health insurance. There is a huge grey area for individuals that make less than 40-45K where they can waive out of having coverage or paying penalites.

If you went to BCBS(they own something like 70% of the market. They are bigger than the next 2 competitors combined.) A 40 year old family will cost $1200 and up. A single can run 400-500+. The mentality up here is that people don't want to pay 800-1000 per month and then have a deductible.

Fines for 2009 are not established. In 2009 the state will determine what plans meet minimum creditable coverage. For example, if you have a 10K wrap around deductible for your family, that doesn't meet MCC. So you pay for the plan and pay a fine. Also, plans in 2009 must cover RX with minimal deductible.

There is a great deal of unrest amongst the middle class in dealing with this. The wealthy don't care, the poor get free care and the middle class gets stuck with the bill. I know a great many people who aren't buying coverage this year because the fine is so cheap.
Actually I am hopping in a way that Mass. makes it. Mandated auto insurance has not put allstate, farmers, etc.. out of the market and more importantly the agent. I would "hope" that same thing would happen with health and "we" would benefit and still be in business at the end of the day.

What mandated auto has shown is the market can provide and competes. It could be the same for health care.

And for those who can't afford a car or car insurance.. public transportation.. the bus.
We could do something similar.
For those who don't want to carry coverage.. put a personal bond up, just like in auto.

It actually is in our best interests that Mass makes it work. The alternative is going to be universal single payor down the road. So if the Mass program works more states will adopt.
I would love nothing better than to sell non-underwritten plans as long as I could make at least 10% commish.

Right now I'm selling MHIP plans like flapjacks on Sunday morning. It's a feeding frenzy when people can get affordable guaranteed issue plans.

Following up? Lol. My MHIP clients pester me with phone calls and emails wanting me to walk them through the app. It's the biggest lay-down in the world.
There really is no individual marketplace in Mass. If you write an HMO product for a sole proprietor or small business, you make 10-16 per month per plan.

Groups pay 3-6% but you need to have at least 5 or plans depending upon carrier. The commission drops after 400-500K in AV and drops again at 800K-1million to 1%.

The problem is that the "Connector' which the state recommends everyone use to access, view and purchase "approved" plans goes around the broker. In essence, the state has become the broker.
I am not a fan of personal responsibility.

I believe a person should be accepted with no medical questions, no pre ex waiting periods.

Why buy Health Insurance when you are healthy? Does this make sense to anyone?

Just buy it when you are sick, this is when you need it the most.

It should be free from the government in the first place.

I can't believe you guys haven't figured this out yet.