May 24 Covered CA Agents Webinar


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11:00 AM to 12:30 PM Agent webinar #2 from CA HBEX.

May 24, 2013: Covered California-Agent's Webinar #2

The purpose of this webinar is to provide a progress update for licensed insurance agents and discuss their role with Covered California. On the 90 minute call, we will take questions and encourage agents send questions in advance to [email protected].

This webinar is intended for licensed agents who are interested in participating in both the individual and SHOP exchanges at Covered California.

Please note: There is limited space (2,000) for this webinar which will be recorded and posted on our website.

Friday, May 24, 2013, from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm PST

Click Here to Register for the Webinar (Secondary link once first webinar reaches max. capacity)
The health insurance companies should watch Covered California's Exchange and learn from them how to treat agents with dignity and respect. Health insurers are starting to piss me off with their lack of meaningful communication. Covered California, on the other hand, is a class act.
So far, a lot of old news, some new:

-recap of yesterday's announcements.
-SHOP participants announced June 6th.
-Agent certification/training begins August - 8 hours minimum, but tbd. CE credit. Not sure of cost.
Recertification will be less in subsequent years.
-Assisters and navigators likely 3 days training.
-SHOP is exclusive to licensed agents, IFP is not
-No more 2 man husband/wife groups (wasn't clear on this- can anyone clarify?)
-Comp based on gross premium, not net after subsidy
-SHOP business paid by CoveredCA, will be vested. "market competitive" commissions
-Early June, will have an "agent" tab to register in advance for training
-After completing training and passing test, you'll be offered the agent agreement, access to agent portal online, and can begin advertising
-enrollments done online, paper or by phone, but as of now will not autolink to broker website. If they self-serve online will need to select you as broker in their own drop down menu. Agent link in the works for a later time
-Paper application 3 pages for short form
-must be appointed with a carrier to be compensated, can't be paid direct by the exchange
-Agents and assisters can't share comp
-Assisters can not give advice or recommend plans, can only help with enrollment process once plan is already selected
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Did Michael just say that IFP commissions would be the same as they are today? Wanted to make sure I heard that right.
Did Michael just say that IFP commissions would be the same as they are today? Wanted to make sure I heard that right.

I think he said that, but the context I got out of it was that our relationship with the carriers will stay the same as they are, even when CoveredCA is in business, not necessarily that they would stay the same numerically. Although I'd love to be wrong
I think he said that, but the context I got out of it was that our relationship with the carriers will stay the same as they are, even when CoveredCA is in business, not necessarily that they would stay the same numerically. Although I'd love to be wrong

I will have to back an listen to the webinar once it's posted but I thought he was referring to comp although it's hard to say until I hear it again.
I will have to back an listen to the webinar once it's posted but I thought he was referring to comp although it's hard to say until I hear it again.

The question is, now that we have plan designs, we have rates...can we see the actual comp?

Probably September 30th
Looking at the Covered Ca rates , anthem shows up as most expensive, yet is shown as hmo. Is this correct? might it be a ppo?