McDonalds Threatens to End Health Care

If group plan cancels, no COBRA. But mini-meds aren't part of COBRA any way.

I suppose there may be corp stores, but most are franchises. One of the largest franchisee's (Litton) used to be based in Atlanta.

Store owners in Socialist Europe (France, Italy, Germany, etc) have to provide health insurance usually via the VAT.

Bigger issue is Washington trying to punish US corps that have operations overseas. If they persist in pushing through punitive tax legislation that is anti-capitalism they will kill even more jobs here as US based corps will close down the US operation and move somewhere else.

For some incredibly stupid reason the folks in DC think everything revolves around them.

Not so.

My daughter was in France & Italy last summer. She is not a burger eater, but she did say an egg McMuffin was something like $6 due to the VAT.

Coffee was extra . . .

Yeah, but I only pay VAT if I sell something or someone buys something.

And sales tax here is circa 8% so the additional 10% is probably nothing compared to the billions its going to cost US enterprise.

If I am coming to the US then I am at a loss before I have even started trading.....

As for the wine, its only 50c a bottle in France.......
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And that's for fake food!

I wonder if real food is more expensive than fast food in Europe like it is here in the good ol' US of A.

Fast food is expensive in Europe. However, they don't consume it like we do here.

I was there in April and May this year. France was exceptionally expensive for everything (except Alcohol). We stopped at a gas station near Bordeaux and bought some pre-packed sandwiches and chips: Total cost $42.

Spain was the best. Beer at 1 Euro a pint..........
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Off on a bit of a tangent, but not too much of one - few years back MD enacted a law that forced companies of a certain size to offer health care to all employees. The argument was those companies ended up costing the state millions as they're uncovered employees went into the high risk pool.

It was called the Walmart Bill and required very large companies to spend 8% of its payroll on health care benefits.

After the law was implemented Walmart sued and lost, but they won on appeal:

'Wal-Mart' health care law overturned | HR Magazine | Find Articles at BNET

And BTW, what MD didn't realize at the time was there would be no "winning" this case. Had Walmart lost on appearl, take a guess at what their next move would have been...

I remember that hitting the news...the amount of employees required to be hit by the bill left only walmart as being targetted...They had some people on about how Wal-Mart offered a plan but thats all they didn't pay for it...So I went to different insurer sites and entered a Baltimore Zip and found out I could pay about $200 month in MD for what I was paying $1K to $1200 a month in Maine....Change you can believe in.
There are so many unintended consequences of Obacare, it's scary. Let's throw inflation into the mix. That big mac, movie ticket, tank of gas, Walmart run, will now cost us much more, due to companies passing on higher healthcare costs to the consumer. That additional cost of doing business will ultimately drive up unemployment, further dampen growth, and so on and so on.
"If you like the plan you have, you can keep it"

And if you dont like the plan you have, then everyone is going to be able get the same coverage as Congress gets. Its going to be free too or else you will get Obama-money to pay for it.

I like free stuff.
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I remember that hitting the news...the amount of employees required to be hit by the bill left only walmart as being targetted...They had some people on about how Wal-Mart offered a plan but thats all they didn't pay for it...So I went to different insurer sites and entered a Baltimore Zip and found out I could pay about $200 month in MD for what I was paying $1K to $1200 a month in Maine....Change you can believe in.

Simple solution to that. Obama is saying we will be able to get insurance interstate now. Everyone in Maine will sign up for a Maryland Plan. I dont know how that would work and neither does Obama but it sounds zippy and zippy is good.

The good news is that Maine was one of the first states to discover that a state can really go broke fast and completely disable a working health insurance system by adopting some of these "reform plans." The bad news is that Obama looked at the complete failure in Maine and said "that is the right model for the whole country."

Change you can believe in.
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Off on a bit of a tangent, but not too much of one - few years back MD enacted a law that forced companies of a certain size to offer health care to all employees. The argument was those companies ended up costing the state millions as their uncovered employees went into the high risk pool.

It was called the Walmart Bill and required very large companies to spend 8% of its payroll on health care benefits.

After the law was implemented Walmart sued and lost, but they won on appeal:

'Wal-Mart' health care law overturned | HR Magazine | Find Articles at BNET

And BTW, what MD didn't realize at the time was there would be no "winning" this case. Had Walmart lost on appearl, take a guess at what their next move would have been...

Kmart and Target would have been very happy.
McDonalds Adamant On Continuing Healthcare Coverage For Base-Level Employees

In other words, they were starting to get hammered and back peddled quickly:

"It has, however, confirmed that it does not plan to drop the healthcare benefits completely but rather look for some alternative insurance plans for the employees if it is not exempted from the new regulation."

So...what are the chances that the gov't will exempt McDonalds?
McDonalds Adamant On Continuing Healthcare Coverage For Base-Level Employees

In other words, they were starting to get hammered and back peddled quickly:

"It has, however, confirmed that it does not plan to drop the healthcare benefits completely but rather look for some alternative insurance plans for the employees if it is not exempted from the new regulation."

So...what are the chances that the gov't will exempt McDonalds?

No much are they bribing I mean contributing to campaigns?
how much are they bribing I mean contributing to campaigns

Shebullshits current position is appointed, not elected.

For the life of me, I can't figure out how she ever got elected governor.