McDonalds Threatens to End Health Care

Shebullshits current position is appointed, not elected.

For the life of me, I can't figure out how she ever got elected governor.

Yeah I know her position was appointed and :twitchy: also confirmed by the senate. My comment was more toward how much companies will be putting into the coffers of politicians.
Now this is interesting.

Congress is demanding McDonalds produce records to justify their position that they may drop health insurance. Where the hell do they get off telling private industry what they can and cannot do?

Those elitist bastards have got to go.
Did you guys catch the last paragraph

The Obama administration has said its top health official will use her discretion in deciding when to enforce "a new health-law requirement, a move that could prevent McDonald's Corp. and other employers from disrupting their health-care policies for hourly workers," according to the Wall Street Journal.

Anyone know what they are referring too..I thought this was still the USA.
This government has already successfully forced the entire multi-trillion dollar U.S. health insurance industry to change its rules and to reduce profit margins. They will try anything now. Hopefully, we the voters will send a strong message on November 4th that Uncle Sam can't ignore.
Ok, so maybe we will turn over control with our votes in Congress in Novemeber...Then what? We still have Obama in the White House vetoing everything.
I thought this was still the USA.

You must have missed the takeover of the MSM by TASS (with the exception of Fox).

We still have Obama in the White House vetoing everything.

True, but Congress controls the purse strings. He can veto until he turns blue (or any other color) and it won't matter. If Congress doesn't vote to fund his ideas he is sunk.

Does anyone else note his paranoia becoming more prominent?
Did you guys catch the last paragraph

Anyone know what they are referring too..I thought this was still the USA.

According to this story, U.S. Restaurants have collectively requested "waivers" from making their Mini-Med plans count against the Minimum Loss Ratio requirement for the insurance companies that provide their plans.

Health care waivers sought

Obamacare will cause a lot of people to lose their health coverage even though we were promised that we could keep it.