Meaning ? Modified Single Premium for Indexed Annuities ?

Again, I would comment,

I was NOT asking about variable annuities. I was not asking about annuities that allow contributions for an unlimited future period of time. (Also note, I am a consumer, NOT an agent, and I knew nothing about annuities when I started the stuff below.)

I was asking specifically about MODIFIED single premium fixed indexed annuities (with an income rider). A followup to the thread starting question. I have asked agent questions (including ruining 2 forum relationships), read forum threads here, read sales literature, read product applications and looked at online quotes from 2 different online vendors. I saw no indication anywhere that flexible premiums in the allowable premium period for a modified single premium could or would be capped. If I was told about sample contracts in the process, the comments did not stick and I did not realize I should also have asked for those.

Hence my questions about whether it was a standard practice for modified single premium annuities to have a final contract that capped additional contributions and whether or not the carriers made a flexible amount that related to the premium paid in or whether they just lowballed every contract's cap in order to protect themselves.
what carrier, what product name?