Med Supp Commission Questions

So the $155 deductible is non commissionable, what is the other $45 they take away for? I asked the lady in the commissions department at Sentinel and she said, "I really don't know. I can never get a straight answer from my boss about it". What the crap?

Not much I can do about it. Done stressing about it, just more curious now. Maybe they just send it to Frank for goat grooming fees!

It's the premium for the part B that is not commissioned, except in a few states. They don't just take $155 off the ap. If the annual premium difference for F over D is $200, they won't pay on the $200. If the difference is $400, they won't pay on the $400.
I guess not to your liking. But then again, I really don't care what you think.

Yea Sman, I expected you to post the entire contract.

I said quote the contract... as in the text concerning the issue we were discussing.

Not much on following the flow.
Hey, even Frank screwed up. It should read, "No one was supposed to know that." Come on Frank, you've got to watch your tense. Maybe you have been watching too much goat porn.:swoon:
Hey, even Frank screwed up. It should read, "No one was supposed to know that." Come on Frank, you've got to watch your tense. Maybe you have been watching too much goat porn.:swoon:

You're right about watching my tense. It's Friday, I'm so "tense" that I'm ready to go to a redneck bar and pick a fight. Verbal that is. :D