DNC stands for Do Not Call. There is a Federal DNC list and many states including mine, Pennsylvania, have their own.
Call someone on the Federal DNC list and you can be fined $11,000.
If you have an ongoing established business relationship, i.e. premium paying policyholder, there is an inferred permission to call that person whenever you choose unless they have requested that you don't.
If you have a direct mail or survey reply that includes a name and phone number that is DNC registered, you can call that person for up to 90 days.
Call someone on the Federal DNC list and you can be fined $11,000.
If you have an ongoing established business relationship, i.e. premium paying policyholder, there is an inferred permission to call that person whenever you choose unless they have requested that you don't.
If you have a direct mail or survey reply that includes a name and phone number that is DNC registered, you can call that person for up to 90 days.