Med Supp Phone Sales

It varies widely from those working it part-time and those going at it full-time, of course. Typically it's taking 7 to 8 real leads to make a sale (after getting credits back for those bogus ones mixed in from affiliates online). "Average" agent is doing 6 to 8 a week.

Average agent is doing 6 to 8. What are the top agents doing?
He's asking how many do the top agents write per week if the "average" is writing 6-8 per week.

Regardless of what anyone says or claims any agent who is writing eight Med Supps a week, every week, 52 weeks a year and collecting a the thirteenth month renewal check from them is an "above top" agent.

I've been doing this for a very long time and an annual average of eight issued and retained policies per week is only done by the very best of the best. I doubt very seriously there are more than a few extremely good, well seasoned vets on this board who are posting those kind of numbers week in and week out.

Anyone can have a good week and write eight to ten apps.

Remember, written apps do not necessarily translate into thirteen month renewal checks. The number of apps written may not mean a thing. That is almost like stating the number of appointments per day without saying how many sales resulted.
"Regardless of what anyone says or claims any agent who is writing eight Med Supps a week, every week, 52 weeks a year and collecting a the thirteenth month renewal check from them is an "above top" agent."

That agent probably is full of crap too!:1arghh:
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" Where are you buying these internet leads for medsupps @$7 a pop?"

Those leads are made by elves at the north pole and hand delivered by santa.:1baffled:
I found some on the internet while ago for $7 each. They are only going to sell them to me and 4 other guys.

I'm optomistic though. I think they will hold off and not sell them to the other 4 guys for a couple months.

Give me a headstart!:yes:
I agree Frank. And quite honestly, it's hard to believe the math. If it takes 7 or 8 leads to make a sale and they are selling 6-8 per week, that's about 60 leads per week. Or over 3,000 leads per year. I don't know of a source than can produce those kinds of leads for multiple agents.

However, I would somewhat disagree with the whole, "written apps" issue. I rarely have a written app that isn't approved. There's no sense in wasting my time, nor theirs, if the application isn't going to be approved. Field underwriting is really pretty simple on a Med Supp. And unless they die, it turns into a 13 month renewal. Of course, others mileage may vary.

Regardless of what anyone says or claims any agent who is writing eight Med Supps a week, every week, 52 weeks a year and collecting a the thirteenth month renewal check from them is an "above top" agent.

I've been doing this for a very long time and an annual average of eight issued and retained policies per week is only done by the very best of the best. I doubt very seriously there are more than a few extremely good, well seasoned vets on this board who are posting those kind of numbers week in and week out.

Anyone can have a good week and write eight to ten apps.

Remember, written apps do not necessarily translate into thirteen month renewal checks. The number of apps written may not mean a thing. That is almost like stating the number of appointments per day without saying how many sales resulted.