Med Supp Question

Not to mention the new fleet of jets-- imagine the carbon footprinting going on there...

Totally off topic but I have been wondering about this for a long time.

Do you really chase Tornados? I have watched it on TV and it looks like an incredible rush. Almost as much as jumping out of a perfectly good airplane.
Totally off topic but I have been wondering about this for a long time.

Do you really chase Tornados? I have watched it on TV and it looks like an incredible rush. Almost as much as jumping out of a perfectly good airplane.

Used to in the late 70's when it was for scientific purposes-- now it have mutated into as much a sport as anything else. I only go now if it is local... First one I ever saw made my knees quiver... We used to use super 8 cameras back then.
Totally off topic but I have been wondering about this for a long time.

Do you really chase Tornados? I have watched it on TV and it looks like an incredible rush. Almost as much as jumping out of a perfectly good airplane.

Tornado chasers in Kansas for 6 years.....But it does not compare no matter how close the tornado is with jumping from a perfectly good airplane in the dark....go 82nd Airborne.
Tornado chasers in Kansas for 6 years.....But it does not compare no matter how close the tornado is with jumping from a perfectly good airplane in the dark....go 82nd Airborne.

Only 2 things fall out of the sky, bird crap and fools. Well, and rain, and snow, and hail, and sleet, and airplanes, and, oh never mind.
Tornado chasers in Kansas for 6 years.....But it does not compare no matter how close the tornado is with jumping from a perfectly good airplane in the dark....go 82nd Airborne.

I've never done it during "dark time", only in daylight. It has to be, hands down, the biggest rush I have ever had. That first step is something else. Can't imagine doing it at night. Wow! My hat is off to you.
I've never done it during "dark time", only in daylight. It has to be, hands down, the biggest rush I have ever had. That first step is something else. Can't imagine doing it at night. Wow! My hat is off to you.

It was not by was in the desert
The only way this would be true is if it was a Medicare Select supplemental policy - which are pretty rare and not usually recommended. More bad reporting.
Maybe it was a plug for BCBS, maybe they pay for ad space, who knows? Reminds of a quote I posted on facebook regarding people believing everything they read or hear:

To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense the need for thought.

Henri Poincare

The only way this would be true is if it was a Medicare Select supplemental policy - which are pretty rare and not usually recommended. More bad reporting.