Medicare Advantage Scrutiny

Somarcos routinely makes threads where you or one of his other acolytes are the only person to reply to it. Just because you and somarco find an article interesting doesn't mean anyone else does nor doe its relevant.

He posted an article that was 1) being a paywall and 2) didn't contain any new or actionable information.

Also I don't care what you're opinion is. You could have saved your entire comment. Good thing you don't know shit.

I fail to understand why you white knight for somarco so much. He barely writes enough business for himself. He's not giving you any clients. And none of his posts actually aid you in that regard. Guess you just like the way he taste?
I like reading that information. I get the daily email from StatNews but don't have the $600 to subscribe so I am glad to read it even if you aren't.

Again if you aren't interested then just scroll on by. I do that on some of the threads. If you don't care about my opinion then why reply? Again just scroll on by.

Again attacking me and being disgusting when you do so, well that says more about you than it does about me. I fail to understand why you are so upset.

I find a lot of people on these forums have been helpful, including him on occasion, which I appreciate while I am still learning how to do a good job at doing this.
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I like reading that information.

I know. You are often the only person to reply when he makes these types of post.

Again if you aren't interested then just scroll on by. I do that on some of the threads. If you don't care about my opinion then why reply? Again just scroll on by.

Take your own advice. Don't like my posts? 1) they aren't directed at you 2) scroll on by

First thing you said I agree with.

I find a lot of people on these forums have been help, including him on occasion, which I appreciate while I am still learning how to do a good job at doing this.

I find most of his posts useless, and based on the engagement most of his threads receive, so do most others. Just read this thread. You're the only one who cared to reply to the OP. 99% of the comments are related to my comment.
woof woof!
Hey EckoRomeo and Straightnochaser - just because the two of you aren't interested in the articles that are posted doesn't mean others aren't. There is the option to scroll on by if you don't want to read something.

Attacking the poster and the people who stated that they appreciate the articles posted that are published in StatNews (which is a high quality source of information which is why it costs money to read the articles) isn't, in my opinion, a professional way to act. Good thing the clients of the two of don't read some (but certainly not all) of your posts here.

I fail to understand why a subset of people on these forums appear to believe that name calling and put downs is appropriate behavior on these forums. I wasn't expecting that when I signed up. On the professional forum for my other, previous, career no one behaves like this.

If you can't afford to subscribe how did you read the article? It's paywalled.
I find most of his posts useless, and based on the engagement most of his threads receive, so do most others. Just read this thread. You're the only one who cared to reply to the OP. 99% of the comments are related to my comment.
I didn't realize this was a popularity content as to whom had the most replies. I care about the content in a post, not whom posts the most. Again if you don't like his posts (or mine) then don't read them. Then rather than waste your time trashing those you don't agree with, whose posts you don't want to read, just choose to scroll on by. You will save a lot of time and aggravation.
I didn't realize this was a popularity content as to whom had the most replies. I care about the content in a post, not whom posts the most.

Reading comprehension isn't your thing, huh?
Again if you don't like his posts (or mine) then don't read them.

Again… follow your own advice…

Then rather than waste your time trashing those you don't agree with, whose posts you don't want to read, just choose to scroll on by. You will save a lot of time and aggravation.

Weird coming from a guy upset about a post not directed at him. It's like you have no self awareness.
Reading comprehension isn't your thing, huh?

Again… follow your own advice…

Weird coming from a guy upset about a post not directed at him. It's like you have no self awareness.
I'm not upset with you. I feel sorry for you. You apparently don't appreciate industry news and so attacked the person who posted it. I appreciate that kind of information and so posted. If you wanted only a two way conversation between yourself and the original poster perhaps use the message system? Then you turned your attacks on me. What happens in the industry and related industries does affect us, along with decisions made in D.C. Knowing what is going on helps me try to anticipate what the issues might be down the line so that I can plan ahead and think about potential alternatives/implications/consequences.
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Does anybody else wonder what's the point of spamming this board with useless articles like this?

I mean… is anyone NOT going to sell MAPD because of these hit pieces constantly posted? Do these articles help you produce more?!?
You don't have to read these articles. In fact, put Somarco on ignore and you will not see any of his posts.

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