This is all real cool.
I'm just now learning how to spell med supp, and already gettin' put out of business? I wonder if I should keep studying.
I don't see a long-term future in senior health insurance sales but my crystal ball is no better than any othe (probably worse!) and it is still anyone's guess as to how and when things are going to finally shake out.
Guys like Rick and Frank who have huge books... which will also translate into referrals... will continue to do well but those starting out will find it difficult if senior-market sales practices becomes more regulated/restricted.
If you are new to the financial services sector, I think you would be wise to learn how group health works in your state AND to join the ILIAA and learn the life biz.
Nick and Rick (sounds like a 1960s comedy team!) will teach you how to call small biz and perhaps lead with health but transition into educating the owners as to the advantages of life financial products in the context of buy-sell, key-person, retirement, etc. Also you get an "in" to approach the employees to address their financial problems as well.
If you don't think there is an opportunity in your area, do this. Walk into any small, independent store or service biz. Don't say you are an agent, just say you are researching an article and ask "I'm not selling anything. I would just like to know
how many times in your life would you say you have been called or approached by a life insurance professional?" Walk out. Don't try to sell using that approach. It won't work. Try it a few more times... and my bet is that you will see that the life market is under-served and that there are selling-ops in this sector.
PS: I'm 62. I've been married for 28 years. I've lived in the same house for 27 years... in a good demographic zip code (95628). I've been self-employeed for 26 of those years. Only once have I or my wife (we have different names... don't ask!) EVER been called by a life insurance professional. ONLY ONCE. I asked my neighbors (most who are younger). Same answer. Most bought from that first agent. Most had not been called within the past five years. What about you and your neighbors? Is there any biz-op here? You make the call.
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