Medicare company sales question


Don't you think this post would be better placed in the Offers section?

You put together a great sounding "dog and pony" show on your website but there is no mention of the price. Why is it a "secret"?

I'm really not busting your ass just always curious about someone who has discovered, after only two years in this market, something so new and innovative that those agents who have built a successful career working in he senior market have never discovered.

You may have a dynamite product but I would not consider using it without more specific information.

Everyone would like to stop prospecting and only spend their time writing apps. If your system is really that good and innovative then I would suggest that you contact a veteran senior market agent from this board and give them a copy of your system to try and report on. NO, I DO NOT WANT IT TO BE ME. I'M NOT TRYING TO GET A COPY OF YOUR SYSTEM FOR FREE. I am doing quite well with the way I am marketing now.

If it works as you claim it does every senior market agent on this board will be falling all over themselves to sign up.

I live in Missouri, the "Show Me" state.

Frank from Missouri, I will answer you here, and to save my keyboard, I will also answer some of the other common objections in this thread:

My marketing system does not belong in the "offer's section."

Here's why:

1. It is NOT for sale. If you had carefully read the entire offer, you would have noticed that I GIVE my system away at no cost. If agents want to bring me a few contracts, great. If not, fine (it is not a condition for my Gold system).

2. If you or any other member of this board wants to read it, just ask me (as I say on my site) and I will give it to you.

3. I may be relatively new to the senior market, but that does not make me ignorant (you have no idea what my background and experience is). I have been involved in several areas of sales and marketing and have been very successful in my craft. Should you dismiss someone because they are relatively new to a particular discipline?

4. My marketing ideas are mainly geared to the "newbie," but the reason may surprise you. The reason is not that old vets have nothing to learn, the reason is that in many cases, old hands are full of pride and pomp, while many newbies are eager and long for a mentor who cares about them and will teach them something useful.

One of the greatest lessons I have ever been taught is to stay "teachable." My greatest mentor in the Medicare business has been in the business for 18 years, had an income of over $250k and is one of the best salesmen I have ever known.

Today, he is running fast from the Medicare Market and his income is dropping precipitously. Do you know why? IMHO, he never took the time (nor does he have the desire) to learn tried and tested marketing practices (like sending personal cards to his clients, learning copywriting skills, building a reputation in the community, etc.).

5. "Outside the box." All I can say is, anyone who would disregard another simply because he uses a "cliche" is well... a fool. One of the greatest headlines ever written, "How to Win Friends and Influence People" sounds to our modern ears like one of the oldest and worn out sayings that might ever grace our hearing," yet... so much of what Carnegie has to say is quite relevant today. In fact, I would suggest that some of you on this board go back and read it.

Most people in many professions learn how to do their job and then, they cease learning. Physicians continue to learn, but most are wedged somewhere between tradition and the scrutiny of their peers. I have known several practitioners quite well and in my opinion, they couldn't think their way out of a pill bottle.

Is this any less true for the financial professional? Ask yourself, "how many books did I read last year?" (I read over 100 incidentally... and I'll provide a bibliography if you request it). In my experience, many financial professionals learn a lot about facts and figures, and they might be great sales people to boot, but they too become bogged down in the slog and busyness of their profession.

Keep an open mind (but not so opened that your brains fall out). Stay humble (pride doth come before the fall). Keep learning (but realize that many keep learning... "but are never able to come to the truth").

Tony, you'll find that we are real straight shooters on this forum.

If we have something to sell, we tell it like it is. We tell what it is, what it costs, how it will benefit you, and how to get it if you want it.

If we have a great free idea that will help others, we post it right here for all to read. We don't make them go here, contact me, jump through this hoop, fill out this form etc. for free information that we don't want any benefit from.

On the other hand, lots of new members will sign up and immediately start selling something without any real contribution to the forum. Most of the time, they want Newbys immediately to contact them AWAY from the forum so the more experienced members can't see the BS they are spealing.

You may be a very helpful new member, or you may be what I just described...I don't know you.

But if you really have an idea to help people that YOU don't want to benefit from, go ahead and post it here. If you just want to drag Newbies away to hear your sales pitch, at least be honest about that.

Now let's get back to thinking outside the box, while were're running some ideas up the flagpole and see who salutes. Yuck! Did I just say that?!!

Frank from Missouri, I will answer you here, and to save my keyboard, I will also answer some of the other common objections in this thread:

My marketing system does not belong in the "offer's section."

Here's why:

1. It is NOT for sale. If you had carefully read the entire offer, you would have noticed that I GIVE my system away at no cost. If agents want to bring me a few contracts, great. If not, fine (it is not a condition for my Gold system).

2. If you or any other member of this board wants to read it, just ask me (as I say on my site) and I will give it to you.

3. I may be relatively new to the senior market, but that does not make me ignorant (you have no idea what my background and experience is). I have been involved in several areas of sales and marketing and have been very successful in my craft. Should you dismiss someone because they are relatively new to a particular discipline?

4. My marketing ideas are mainly geared to the "newbie," but the reason may surprise you. The reason is not that old vets have nothing to learn, the reason is that in many cases, old hands are full of pride and pomp, while many newbies are eager and long for a mentor who cares about them and will teach them something useful.

One of the greatest lessons I have ever been taught is to stay "teachable." My greatest mentor in the Medicare business has been in the business for 18 years, had an income of over $250k and is one of the best salesmen I have ever known.

Today, he is running fast from the Medicare Market and his income is dropping precipitously. Do you know why? IMHO, he never took the time (nor does he have the desire) to learn tried and tested marketing practices (like sending personal cards to his clients, learning copywriting skills, building a reputation in the community, etc.).

5. "Outside the box." All I can say is, anyone who would disregard another simply because he uses a "cliche" is well... a fool. One of the greatest headlines ever written, "How to Win Friends and Influence People" sounds to our modern ears like one of the oldest and worn out sayings that might ever grace our hearing," yet... so much of what Carnegie has to say is quite relevant today. In fact, I would suggest that some of you on this board go back and read it.

Most people in many professions learn how to do their job and then, they cease learning. Physicians continue to learn, but most are wedged somewhere between tradition and the scrutiny of their peers. I have known several practitioners quite well and in my opinion, they couldn't think their way out of a pill bottle.

Is this any less true for the financial professional? Ask yourself, "how many books did I read last year?" (I read over 100 incidentally... and I'll provide a bibliography if you request it). In my experience, many financial professionals learn a lot about facts and figures, and they might be great sales people to boot, but they too become bogged down in the slog and busyness of their profession.

Keep an open mind (but not so opened that your brains fall out). Stay humble (pride doth come before the fall). Keep learning (but realize that many keep learning... "but are never able to come to the truth").

Tony, you'll find that we are real straight shooters on this forum.

If we have something to sell, we tell it like it is. We tell what it is, what it costs, how it will benefit you, and how to get it if you want it.

If we have a great free idea that will help others, we post it right here for all to read. We don't make them go here, contact me, jump through this hoop, fill out this form etc. for free information that we don't want any benefit from.

On the other hand, lots of new members will sign up and immediately start selling something without any real contribution to the forum. Most of the time, they want Newbys immediately to contact them AWAY from the forum so the more experienced members can't see the BS they are spealing.

You may be a very helpful new member, or you may be what I just described...I don't know you.

But if you really have an idea to help people that YOU don't want to benefit from, go ahead and post it here. If you just want to drag Newbies away to hear your sales pitch, at least be honest about that.

Now let's get back to thinking outside the box, while were're running some ideas up the flagpole and see who salutes. Yuck! Did I just say that?!!

Hi Newby, surely you have heard the saying... "do not cast your pearls before swine." I am not saying that everyone on this board are pigs, but you know as well as I do... there is fair share of slop slinging around here.

I have a reason for not throwing everything, unabated, into the public arena. I don't think that any of us want to reveal all at a any one time, nor do we desire to give to those who are not worthy. I want to help people who I deem worthy, who have a burning desire to learn and succeed.

The purpose of this forum is to help one another and exchange ideas... granted. I have given ideas on this forum and I will give many more. But that does not mean that I will share all I know with everyone.

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BTW... not one other person has even responded to the guy's question! You simply mocked him. That appears to be the stock and trade of many on this forum.
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"Methinks the (poster) doth protest too much." Hamlet Act 3 scene 2.

My marketing system does not belong in the "offer's section."

Here's why:

1. It is NOT for sale. If you had carefully read the entire offer, you would have noticed that I GIVE my system away at no cost. If agents want to bring me a few contracts, great. If not, fine (it is not a condition for my Gold system).
This is a direct quote from your website.

"You see, I know there are a lot of you agents who are struggling financially. You most likely have also spent thousands of dollars on hype and garbage that over-promises and under-delivers. I really understand how hard it is to be in your shoes. That is why I have priced this system for less than the cost that many of you get for one commission...

Read below.
If for any reason in the next 60 days, you are not completely satisified with the results you get from Medicare Marketing Gold, and you can demonstrate that you have tried one or more of the ideas in the system, I will give you a full refund of all of your money with no hard feelings."


If it really is FREE then why are you offering to refund "all of your money" and saying that the cost is less than you "get for one commission"? I think that is pretty clear, your system has a cost, apparently you need to read your own website as I have.

4. My marketing ideas are mainly geared to the "newbie," but the reason may surprise you. The reason is not that old vets have nothing to learn, the reason is that in many cases, old hands are full of pride and pomp, while many newbies are eager and long for a mentor who cares about them and will teach them something useful.

Sounds like there is an insult in there somewhere. So, I guess you are the "mentor who cares about them" but only after they agree to "purchase your free system" that you offer a 60 day money back guarantee with.

learn tried and tested marketing practices (like sending personal cards to his clients, learning copywriting skills, building a reputation in the community, etc.).

Is this what a newbie gets? You teach them how so send personal cards to clients, write letters and walk around shaking hands with people? You really didn't do very well selling in the senior market did you?

5. "Outside the box." All I can say is, anyone who would disregard another simply because he uses a "cliche" is well... a fool.

Now you are getting personal. In response I would have to say that anyone who keeps insisting that something is free and then offers a 60 day money back guarantee is a conman, and not in touch with the truth.

Ask yourself, "how many books did I read last year?" (I read over 100 incidentally... and I'll provide a bibliography if you request it).

What does that have to do with being successful in the senior market?

However, I think we all would be appreciative of you posting the titles and a short review of the "over 100" books you have read since you learned to read. I'm sure it would be intellectually stimulating.

You have thrown in a lot of fluff in your post but you really haven't said anything of substance. You are definitely not "ignorant". Some of the greatest most successful con-men are extremely intelligent.

You obviously have all the answers. It appears that you are marketing a generic product that most likely has lots of general, basic thoughts and ideas contained in it. Send cards, write letters and shake hands.

Oh, I think what you were really trying to say when you stated "(pride doth come before the fall)" was "pride goeth before a fall". An abridgment of Proverbs 16:18. But, with all the books you read you knew that didn't you?

When are you going to let us know how much money we get back after 60 days and specifics about what your system contains.

I'm really not trying to be argumentative but you are making it very difficult. This board exists to not only help agents but to also protect the "newbies" from getting ripped off. Do you want to be part of the solution or the problem?
"Methinks the (poster) doth protest too much." Hamlet Act 3 scene 2.

This is a direct quote from your website.

"You see, I know there are a lot of you agents who are struggling financially. You most likely have also spent thousands of dollars on hype and garbage that over-promises and under-delivers. I really understand how hard it is to be in your shoes. That is why I have priced this system for less than the cost that many of you get for one commission...

Read below.
If for any reason in the next 60 days, you are not completely satisified with the results you get from Medicare Marketing Gold, and you can demonstrate that you have tried one or more of the ideas in the system, I will give you a full refund of all of your money with no hard feelings."

If it really is FREE then why are you offering to refund "all of your money" and saying that the cost is less than you "get for one commission"? I think that is pretty clear, your system has a cost, apparently you need to read your own website as I have.

Sounds like there is an insult in there somewhere. So, I guess you are the "mentor who cares about them" but only after they agree to "purchase your free system" that you offer a 60 day money back guarantee with.

Is this what a newbie gets? You teach them how so send personal cards to clients, write letters and walk around shaking hands with people? You really didn't do very well selling in the senior market did you?

Now you are getting personal. In response I would have to say that anyone who keeps insisting that something is free and then offers a 60 day money back guarantee is a conman, and not in touch with the truth.

What does that have to do with being successful in the senior market?

However, I think we all would be appreciative of you posting the titles and a short review of the "over 100" books you have read since you learned to read. I'm sure it would be intellectually stimulating.

You have thrown in a lot of fluff in your post but you really haven't said anything of substance. You are definitely not "ignorant". Some of the greatest most successful con-men are extremely intelligent.

You obviously have all the answers. It appears that you are marketing a generic product that most likely has lots of general, basic thoughts and ideas contained in it. Send cards, write letters and shake hands.

Oh, I think what you were really trying to say when you stated "(pride doth come before the fall)" was "pride goeth before a fall". An abridgment of Proverbs 16:18. But, with all the books you read you knew that didn't you?

When are you going to let us know how much money we get back after 60 days and specifics about what your system contains.

I'm really not trying to be argumentative but you are making it very difficult. This board exists to not only help agents but to also protect the "newbies" from getting ripped off. Do you want to be part of the solution or the problem?[/quote]

I WAS selling my system for $397, but changed my mind and decided to offer it to agents at no cost. I simply hadn't updated the page. But dang, I guess someone who really wants to help others... is automatically a con man.

BTW... yes I did know that my quote was a paraphrase of Prov. 16:18. In point of fact, I have a Master of Divinity degree from Grand Rapids Theological Seminary.

And Frank, if you want to review my Medicare Marketing system to see for yourself how much fluff I spew... just ask, I will be happy to send it to you.


I'm really not trying to "pick a fight" with you. You may be a great guy and one I would enjoy sharing a bottle of Scotch with.

However, you said your system is free and accused me of not reading your website. I not only read your website I quoted from it. What your website states is what started all of this.

Now you tell me that it really is free and you just haven't changed your website.

Don't you think a lot of hassle could have been avoided if, since you knew what your website said, you had stated that you use to charge for it so ignore statements on your site?

I find it interesting that you went to your website and put a red line through the price but didn't bother to delete the part about refunding money.

Since you say it really is free why don't you post a few of the better ideas to give agents a taste of what you have to offer?

Markingriffin has posted some really great stuff and explains how and why it works. It is free, not a secret and on one has to request his pearls of wisdom. He has great credibility on this board.

Might I suggest that you may want to follow his lead and do the same.

I'm really not trying to "pick a fight" with you. You may be a great guy and one I would enjoy sharing a bottle of Scotch with.

However, you said your system is free and accused me of not reading your website. I not only read your website I quoted from it. What your website states is what started all of this.

Now you tell me that it really is free and you just haven't changed your website.

Don't you think a lot of hassle could have been avoided if, since you knew what your website said, you had stated that you use to charge for it so ignore statements on your site?

I find it interesting that you went to your website and put a red line through the price but didn't bother to delete the part about refunding money.

Since you say it really is free why don't you post a few of the better ideas to give agents a taste of what you have to offer?

Markingriffin has posted some really great stuff and explains how and why it works. It is free, not a secret and on one has to request his pearls of wisdom. He has great credibility on this board.

Might I suggest that you may want to follow his lead and do the same.

Frank, I agree wholeheartedly that it was a terrible oversight not to delete the MBG from my website. I have done it now, but truth is, I really didn't thank about it (perhaps I thought I was adding value).

And yes, I agree that Mark Rosenthal has posted some fantastic ideas, and yes, that has given him credibility. I plan to use some of his ideas myself. But interestingly, Mark has also been the beneficiary of a lot of criticism for his ideas... even by the experienced gurus on this site!

All I am saying is that far from "straight shooting" there is a LOT of mockery on this board. Just as you are evaluating me (nothing wrong with that) I also am evaluating you (not you personally, but the establishment, if you will). So far, I haven't seen much here that is entirely helpful for agents seeking help.

And yes, if you are ever in Denver, stop by and I would love to share a bottle of good single malt.

And again, if you have an interest in reviewing my marketing system, just PM me with your desired email and I will shoot it over to you.


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