DUH WAYNE SAID- "In my opinion, he is the worst thing to happen to this forum since I have been a member."
Ahh gee whiz Duh Wayne!.......That is so nice of you. Maybe Frankie will give you a couple more points on your contract if you can get the owner of this forum to ban me! Don't hate the messenger! Like Ive said you won't live long enough to see me come to this forum and try to use it as a source of income. My only motive is to share the truth. I seek to make money off nobody here. I swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me god! But you go ahead and listen to the con artists and the scammers and let me know where that gets ya. Would somebody please try to explain to me why anyone that was really successful would have to slink on their belly and come to this forum and use it as a way to make a couple of bucks. Oh my bad they are making 6 figuer incomes from doing this B.S. here. Yeah and I will be spending my Thanksgiving vacation cruising around the Gulf of Mexico in my 2 million dollar yaht! I dont know I'm new here maybe thats why the forum owner here did make this forum so the snakes of the insurance world would have a place to go and scam on unsuspecting agents all for the price of a couple clicks of their computers mouse. Is that what you wanted to hear? Sorry
Ahh gee whiz Duh Wayne!.......That is so nice of you. Maybe Frankie will give you a couple more points on your contract if you can get the owner of this forum to ban me! Don't hate the messenger! Like Ive said you won't live long enough to see me come to this forum and try to use it as a source of income. My only motive is to share the truth. I seek to make money off nobody here. I swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me god! But you go ahead and listen to the con artists and the scammers and let me know where that gets ya. Would somebody please try to explain to me why anyone that was really successful would have to slink on their belly and come to this forum and use it as a way to make a couple of bucks. Oh my bad they are making 6 figuer incomes from doing this B.S. here. Yeah and I will be spending my Thanksgiving vacation cruising around the Gulf of Mexico in my 2 million dollar yaht! I dont know I'm new here maybe thats why the forum owner here did make this forum so the snakes of the insurance world would have a place to go and scam on unsuspecting agents all for the price of a couple clicks of their computers mouse. Is that what you wanted to hear? Sorry