Medicare Sales. Need advice as I’m new to this

So with UHC being AARP, is that good? Are they a good company to work for? I know with sales it's up to you to make money, but can I realistically make decent money being new to this?
First thing you need to get rid of the idea that you "work for" the company. If you are straight commission, you are working for yourself (even if you are captive). They aren't providing anything for you other than the product to sale and 100s of companies do that. As an independent agent you can contract with other companies for other products. AARP is considered good by some people and the Debil by others (primarily due to their liberal left-wing political stance). You can make a decent living and then some. It will all depend upon you.

P.S. I would be wary of any recruiter that does not lay out the potential pitfalls as well as the advantages.
Calisajizzle, it's been hinted at here, but I'm going to point it straight out to you. There is no one company that is good for everyone. There never has been and there never will be. You really should do as Travis has said and explore the plans in your area. UHC is not the only one. You'll need more companies to be able to offer your clients what's best for them.

Furthermore, don't just get into selling Medicare Advantage without knowing the how and why of Med Supps as well. Some need Med Supps and some need Med Advantage.

In conclusion, have more than one company and have multiple types of products. Don't push a client into a plan because that's all you have to offer.

Lastly, please feel free to give us a call anytime if you have any questions.

PS... Check out the links below my signature. You'll need Medicare training.