Medicare Supp Seminar

Good info.
Frank I got what you are talking about with labs and such. I do tell people that now. Did not know what you where getting at. Now I know.

The more you edicate about Medicare and supplemnts and show how you solve problems and are there for the people the more sales I make.


Being an insurance agent is not about selling policies as much as it helping understand and make intelligent decisions. Oh, providing excellent, ongoing service is also a huge part of it. When done properly the prospect really "sells themselves".

The biggest mistake I see agents make who work the senior market is that after the app is submitted the agent never communicates with their new client.

Sorry I wasn't more clear. I read it over after I posted it and I said to myself, self, that may have not been very clear. Glad you were able to figure it out. It was a test. :laugh: