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The FE market is the MA MA market for the most part. I used to write a lot of MA plans. I was the top agent in theis region for 3 companies. I haven't written an MA plan, an MAPD or a PDP in over 4 years. I help many of clients with their PDP by showing them how to compare plans at medicare.gov and how to enroll.
For the people that ask me to assist in their MA and or PDP I give them the name and number of a friend of mine that does pretty much all the plans. They call him, he sends the SOA's to them and he gets a lot of business from me. I know the folks are taken care of and I don't have to be CMS's butt buddy, {to quote Frank}.
I love to write med supss. But it's not my market. I only prospect for FE. If i wasn't as successful with FE then I would prospect for med sups the way Frank Statsny taught me and then cross sell FE.
Jdeasy... Just out of curiousity. Ive always wondered why you made the switch from successful medicare agent to successful final expense agent. What benefits do you see from selling a ton of FE VS a ton of medicare plans?