Medicare Supplements or Auto, Etc: Recommend Me a Good Company.


New Member
I used to sell AFLAC insurance, but then left the field and was in sales for a painting and interior decorating company for eight years - and did very well, on 100% commission, closing my presentations at 30-50%.

Now that the company is closing, I'm considering going back to insurance: I've looked the field over, and am particularly drawn to Medicare Supplements or Property/Casualty.

But here is the catch: I'm discovering that insurance companies tend to fall into two categories: 1) Just like AFLAC, they expect you to build your own business around their products -- and I cannot afford this right now. I've stayed with a sinking ship (the construction company) too long, and I cannot afford a survival year at this point. I don't mind cold calling, but it takes time to mine gold out of the phone book, it takes too long before you can actually start making money.

2) They'll give you leads, but want you to travel miles away for days on end (I guess to make sure you'll actually work), or these leads are very poor quality (and are used simply to lure in new agents by saying "free leads" in the job description), or they want you to buy them (something I could do without their help, should I not have been leery of being scammed: I'd be too new to the industry now that I'm thinking to return to it after 8 yrs, and would probably buy 2 yr old cold leads for a top dollar.) Etc. - you know what I mean.

Any ideas?