How is he a scumbag? Did he cheat, did he steal, did he violate the code of conduct?
He was hired to represent his client to the best of his abilities. I would say he did so as he got a settlement from Dave's E&O carrier.
Maybe we need tort reform, but that is a slippery slope. Unless we are willing to jail people for mistakes, we need the ability to sue. Money is how we "correct" a wrong in our society. So unless you think a doctor, attorney, business owner/executive, agent, the person at fault in an accident, etc. should go to jail for a mistake, then we need the ability to sue and make them financially pay.
ABSOLUTE WRONG. Attorneys sue and extort money all the time...and its called "Legal Abuse." They are abusing the system. It costs very little to file a lawsuit...and with legal form templates, paralegals are doing most of the leg work. These High volume PI firms are settling 100's of cases every month. 100's.... (YEAH...all in the name of "justice"----BS!)
There's rarely justice to be found in the Legal System...both civil and criminal. Lawyers are psychopathic professional liars. Its not a system of truth...but a system of WAR aka: the adversary system. If there was NO INSURANCE, then lawyers would be broke....pushing wills or defending Rich Criminals like OJ.
Both sides of the fence (PLAINTIFF AND DEFENSE) are profiting from a broken system and the insureds (that all of us), have to pay for this filthy justice system.