MGA Questions


So I think Ive decided to stay away from the captive scene from the start. Since Ive decided to look elsewhere Ive been researching a couple of MGA's, mainly insurance noodle and Superior Access. Would you recommend one over the other? I plan on marketing directly towards auto dealership customers (I have 10+ years experience in auto finance). With that in mind, I'm concerned that both of the MGA options could be too slow for me to do P&C work.
I'm sure I could talk to some independent agencies and work with them as well. Im just not sure what the right move would be for a new insurance agent who thinks he's better than he really is. I know Ive got a TON to learn in the business. Thanks in advance for any constructive criticism.:embarrassed:
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ok let me rephrase my question. If I wanted to open a p&c agency I would have to use a company like insurance noodle or superior access if I dont have a book of business to transfer over. Is this correct? If that is the case, my next question would be how long I would have to use these companies until I can become appointed? I just dont know how big a book of business needs to be before I can become appointed directly.
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I have both and if you can wait one to two days for a quote, then it will work. Honestly, I am not impressed with either but it is a cheap way to get started.
"how big a book of business needs to be before I can become appointed directly. "

I was interviewed by Hartfod today, they requite 250K written premium with favorable loss ratio and 3 years experience to consider any agency for appointment.
My PL is 160K, so I did not qualify.
I was interviewed by Hartfod today, they requite 250K written premium with favorable loss ratio and 3 years experience to consider any agency for appointment.
My PL is 160K, so I did not qualify.

Thanks very much for the reply. Thats very helpful. Sorry to hear you didnt qualify.
Try regional carriers. There are some that are very reputable and requirements are lower to get direct appointments.
Good morning--I'm a newbie so bear with me. In the Noertheast, where I'm from, carriers would typically want $200K+ in premium & a 2-3 year track record before making a direct apointment. It seems counterintitive, carriers aren't the brightest--but that's how they work. Are most of you posters from the South & West--I see very few NE folks here-anybody there?
google automotive risk managers... they are an mga who do auto industry related businesses exclusively