Might Get Lucky Yet ...

I didn't see anything stating that Insurance Companies are also lobbying to exempt Agent Commissions from admin costs. I wonder why? Do Insurance Companies want us, or would they rather get rid of us? Their help with this bill would be invaluable, if we could get it. -AC
I didn't see anything stating that Insurance Companies are also lobbying to exempt Agent Commissions from admin costs. I wonder why? Do Insurance Companies want us, or would they rather get rid of us? Their help with this bill would be invaluable, if we could get it. -AC

They would rather get the business from us at a significantly reduced rate.
Had a somewhat long and interesting conversation with several home office critters yesterday about this mess. Amazing how clueless they still are.

They think it will still be business as usual, with agents loving them no matter how little they pay (and they pay less than any other major carrier).

They also believe there will be fewer carriers in the market going forward and they will be one of them.

Here is a clue. Obamacare is Romneycare in wolf's clothing. If you are not writing business in MA (or NY or ME or VT) now, you probably won't be writing coverage in 2014.

One thing is certain. When production starts to slump, direct sales aren't making up the slack, and their customer service lines are flooded with calls normally handled by agents, the carriers will figure out some way to gain more business from agents.

That includes increasing comp.
I disagree that the horse is irreparably out of the gate on commission reductions due to MLR's. There was a sea change in this last election. A change that will slowly eviscerate HCR; because by dismantling Obama's signature program you dismantle Obama himself. Anything that weakens Obama is flat out good for America.
One thing that could come from that is an OPTION that if a consumer wants to use an agent the agent could charge a commission (fully disclosed) over and above what the cost would be to enroll directly.
I don't think many people would use that option.