Might Get Lucky Yet ...

Who wants to work for the Feds now? Haven't you heard, they aren't going to get a pay raise for two years. If you listened to their unions, you'd think the world suddenly ended. Never mind all the people who are still unemployed, took a job for less pay, or took a pay cut at the same employer.

Reminds me of the state employees complaining. They didn't get a pay raise that was contingent on tax revenues rising. Now they are complaining. Again, they don't seem to care that unemployment in the state is almost 10%, and who knows what the underemployment rate is.

Anyone remember what happened to the Eastern Airlines employees when they went on strike for a pay raise?
or took a pay cut at the same employer.

Sounds like us...?
Here we go.
This country is inhabited by apathetic, delusional gumbies.
2.7 trillion dollars borrowed to make defense contractors wealthy ...
A govt. that wants to run our lives.
And the rest of the country is distracted / placated by dancing with the stars and their new "droid." F knows where it's gonna end.
Up with people m and f"er.
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I wonder if insurance agents will be able to apply for State or Federal jobs working for the exchange, complete with all the benefits and health insurance package, including pension?

They might be able to apply. Getting the job is another matter. You may think you have experience in what they think needs to be done but they see you as the problem that needs to be eliminated. They want a government program type person or caseworker type.
They might be able to apply. Getting the job is another matter. You may think you have experience in what they think needs to be done but they see you as the problem that needs to be eliminated. They want a government program type person or caseworker type.

You're right. I had forgotten I was rich and part of the problem.