Millon Dollar Life Quote Help!!


male 68 n.s type two diabetes standard got quote whole life for $31,000 per year from Aviva . He has young wife age 34 she has 4 kids previous marriage all minors any ideas best way to cover client

Oregon client
When you get into that type of a situation professional industry knowledge is key. There are multiple factors for this client. Diabetis: how long, how bad, how treated, ect. ect.

Then there is the policy you're asking about: Term, UL, Whole???

I've writting a ton of term. USFinancial used to be my favorite when I had a client that needed clinical underwriting. They're out of the market right now. Calling a brokerage that specializes in the market and knows how each carrier looks at specific health conditions will help you find something. More and more of the brokerages will let you bring the client to them and pay you full comms without you having to get appointed, etc.

Good luck.
You really want to pre-screen this case with a few companies, declines on his MIB report will not help this case at all. If you do the proper legwork a case like this is possible if he's willing to part with the money.