MLR Battle Heats Up

If you needed any evidence of just how out of touch Rockefeller and other politicians are, just look at this quote:

"I am encouraged by the fact that the new law is prompting many health insurance companies that were not meeting these targets to conduct a long-overdue review of their business operations and make changes that will result in higher-quality care and lower premiums for their customers," Rockefeller says.

The only thing HCR will do is guarantee an increase in premiums as has already happened.

"I cannot support a proposal that would allow agents, brokers and health insurance companies to retain the estimated $1 billion in benefits that American consumers will receive next year thanks to the health care reform law," Rockefeller says.

I have no idea where he got that figure. Probably pulled it out of his butt. If true, the savings comes in the form of home office and field support who have lost jobs and reduced agent income.

All of which means lower income tax collections and more people collecting unemployment.

The law of unintended consequences.
Speaking of unintended consequences, Aetna sent out an email today talking about how doctor visits and prescription orders were up as a result of people not being able to buy OTC meds with their HSA or FSA funds anymore.

I have no idea where he got that figure. Probably pulled it out of his butt. If true, the savings comes in the form of home office and field support who have lost jobs and reduced agent income.

I just wrote a letter to Praeger effectively telling her the same thing. Can't believe we actually agree on something. (that Jay "never worked a day in his life" Rockefeller is full of SH*T)