More Health Exchange Guidelines Released


5000 Post Club
Oh, this should be fun to implement.

Released regs:

"This is not a 'submit your information, and we'll get back to you' or 'call an 800 number and someone will call you eventually,'" Mrs. Sebelius said.

New rules on exchanges work in tandem, HHS says - The Hill's Healthwatch

If people's incomes go up and they therefore become eligible for smaller subsidies, they'll have to repay the excess subsidies they received.

Income changes will also mean that many people "churn" between Medicaid and subsidized coverage through an exchange. The rules released Friday are designed to make that process run as smoothly as possible.

New rules on exchanges work in tandem, HHS says - The Hill's Healthwatch
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thanks for the link
Well, the subsidy going toward the premium means we are in deep shiiit!
Get out of Indy health now...especially in Midwestern states. There will be no indy health insurance market EVEN BEFORE 2014!!!!

I see these kinds of posts from you often.

Do you want to give some intelligent reasons on why the individual market is going to be gone?
I see these kinds of posts from you often.

Do you want to give some intelligent reasons on why the individual market is going to be gone?

Intelligence???!! Why use intelligence when scare tactics are effective? You gotta love CHUMPS. His dry humor keeps me laughing.
"You have none that you can post." Do you watch the news? Do you read this Forum? Think about it. C'mon. You can come up with some yourself.

GET OUT OF INDY HEALTH INSURANCE NOW! Disability, LTC and Life is where you need to go. You have time. 2014 will be a bear. 2013 will be a problem. 2012 is coming up.

Get out of individual health sales.

Phew. I think I lost ABC after that diatribe. There's no way he's still reading this.Heck, I wouldn't even read beyond "You have none."