Mortgage Protection First Year Income Average?

Re: Mortgage Protection First Year Income Avg?

CORPORATE DEATH: I'm guessing around $280k in AP for first year, thats only $5300+ per week in AP. Under their plan, that would get me to about $600 and change per week GROSS in advances.

Am I reading this right? You are only making about $600 for a weekly AP of $5300 for MP? Check these figures... if these are true figures, Run, dont walk away. You are being played big time!

Amazing! What kind of a contract are they offering you?


Well, the way it works is they get the MBD. The goal for MBD is $600 mbd per week. The reality I've seen from the agents in that office is more like $400 or less. Last weeks Agent AP:

L: $2691
L2: $0
C: $2789
B: $4205
E: $4374

Now, that being said, there has been more. C, did about $7000 the week before. Activity = Success and all that.

They get paid 600% of MBD, so take a B's production for last week, $4205 AP, /12 = $350.42 per month, x 6 (600%) = $2102.52. Now, the 600% is not paid all up front. You get 150% upon app submission, = $525.63, you get another 300% upon policy issue = $1051.26, then another 50% each for months 10,11, and 12, = $175.21 each month.

Just figuring the submission and issue app for a month, I come to $1576.89 each week, x 4.34 weeks = $6843.70 gross per month. If we take 30% off for chargebacks, we are looking at $4790 per month, if I'm lucky, and thats before taxes that I'd have to withhold myself, fuel, phone bills, etc.

Again, thats producing pretty good, even during the holiday season (which, if I remember correctly 16 years ago, it was VERY quiet).

Realistic? What am I forgetting? Not sure if anyone has done over that MBD consistently throughout the year, although there are some folks in Texas who apparently have.
Re: Mortgage Protection First Year Income Avg?

mortgage protection= a nasty little phrase, invented to hide the actual sale of life insurance.

Why would you characterize it that way, do you do the same with income protection, liquidity protection, forced sale protection, estate tax protection etc etc? Why would someone attempt to hide the sale of life insurance, confused!
Re: Mortgage Protection First Year Income Avg?

Well, I'll tell ya one thing, I will not lie about what the product is. Period. I'm setting appts for the District Manager now until I get licensed. He pays me a nominal amount for each appt set, sold, etc...

When I call folks and they ask me specifics, I only tell them (since I'm not licensed) that it's a life insurance product. Plain and simple. Most still go ahead and accept the appointment. I never lied about the product back in my old Insurance days 16 years ago, I'm not going to start now. If it's that bad a product, then it's not going to be something I will be selling.

My main point though, is how much could someone HONEST realistically expect to earn (minus chargebacks) first year selling this product?
Re: Mortgage Protection First Year Income Avg?

I consider Marlin to be someone of character. If he says he made $65k selling MPI then I believe him and you need to talk to him.

The folks I encountered in that market were either making less than minimum wage or, if they were making any money at all, they did it by deception.
Re: Mortgage Protection First Year Income Avg?

Thanks Somarco, I am a totally straight shooter. There are many agents pushing"Mortgage Protection" that aren't making much at all. I found a vendor that furnished my leads and had great companies. My lead in was to help provide funds to pay off the mortgage if the surviving spouse so desired. However, I ended up reviewing all their insurance and educating them on what their total needs were. You have to be very good, and be able to convince the prospects very early that you know what you are talking about. I would warn the prospects that many of the people that would be calling them were offering limited products that might not be the best fit. I explained what MP use to be, decreasing term assigned to the lender and how things can be different. I would be glad to talk with you if you want more info, it is a great way to break into the business.
Re: Mortgage Protection First Year Income Avg?

I had sold MPI for a little while, but didn't like being out so late and missing my teens soccer games so I gave it up. My friend that got me into it has a YTD commissions of about $70K, maybe more, but that is gross before his lead expenses and gas......he travels A LOT and claims 60K miles per year on his income taxes. However he uses his mileage off to off set his taxes, therefore he does not have to pay any income taxes.

He works hard at it generates his own leads, as I did. It's a lot of work unless you buy your leads.