Moving to a warm and sunny place, any suggestions for a financial adviser?

Well, if you can handle living in an arid climate and using an umbrella to keep to sun off your face (don't want your nose to fall off from cancer), then Mohave county, AZ may be the place for you. Over 1 in 5 are aged 60-80.

Plus, close to LV, as Rick pointed out.
Bullhead City, Kingman and Oatman are all in Mohave. It's too hot to breathe there in the summer, but golf is cheap.

Stay away from the gulf.
Those hurricanes will get you.

Damn straight. I just take them as a fact of life. On the other hand, if I had the luxury of choosing where in the U.S. I would move, then hurricanes would definitely be a factor in the decision. So would earthquakes. So would an over abundance of liberals.
Damn straight. I just take them as a fact of life. On the other hand, if I had the luxury of choosing where in the U.S. I would move, then hurricanes would definitely be a factor in the decision. So would earthquakes.

Which is why I moved to Denver after Katrina. Fairly liberal up here, but not like New Orleans. Girls down there are very "liberal.":biggrin:
Hey do you like Denver? Have sales been good to you? Me and my lady were considering moving there one day as she is from the area. It's pretty liberal?
My folks live in Prescott, AZ where it had a temperate climate.. when it is 120 in Phoenix, it is about 95 in Prescott.
They say you get used to the heat but everytime I go to a spring training game, I always say I can't wait to get back to CA.

Some people love Nevada and the lure of no income tax does sound good. I have a time share in Lake Tahoe across from Heavenly Valley so living in NV would give you access to some good skiing also!

I lived in CO for about 18 months but preferred the better weather in CA.. Heck my work clothes are shorts, t shirt and flip flops most of the year.

If you sell over the phone, you can live anywhere! I heard good things about North Carolina-anyone else?

There is a benefit to being on the West Coast- I do most of my calling from 4pm-6pm PST and then I am done for the day.
Hey do you like Denver? Have sales been good to you? Me and my lady were considering moving there one day as she is from the area. It's pretty liberal?

It's an ok town, but just ok. Lots of sprawl; very dry. Not much culture, unless you're a cowboy. Many people from cali already moved here helping the city (and state) become more liberal.

Guess it's good if you're into snow. Good for business. Personally, I would stay in socal. I'll prob. head to vegas or LA in a couple of years.
Southern California has changed...and not for the better. I have lived here almost all my life. We have a couple of small problems like illegal immigration, a State w/no money, a school system that can't educate, no water, high taxes, a very liberal government, etc.

From a business prospective, the amount of middle and upper middle class people leaving this State for the previously mentioned is concerning as well.

In 10 to 20 years, you will not even know that California is a part of the United States.
Well, we have water problems, too. And if you don't speak the espanol, then you prob. don't want to move to denver.

I hear some communities in Nebraska and Kansas are practically giving away land and housing in an attempt to get in-migration.

Sell from home, live for free!
I think probably the only nice thing about Denver is that it is within driving distance of nice places. Of course, "warm and sunny" it ain't.

I would worry in the long-term (maybe not that long) about water. That is definitely something to consider when thinking about where to move. Las Vegas would not be on my short list. Not only the water situation, glitzy/phony/ theme park is not an attraction for me.

The Carolinas and Georgia coastline would be something to consider. Maybe not as upscale as Hilton Head, although there is certainly a lot of money and retirees there. The "Redneck Riviera" of Alabama is another possibility. Given some time and money, I would spend at least a week in each of my short list towns before deciding.
The nice thing about vegas is


sports books -- beautiful air-conditioned lounge with comfy seats, big tv's and a waitress to bring you free drinks while you watch the game.


hot chicks thinking what happens in vegas, stays in vegas - every week a new girlfriend!

lots of good restaurants

old people in the burbs to buy annuities


easy drive to LA

Being a degenerate is socially acceptable.

Huge downside: living in the desert.
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