Multiple state licensing check up

As a standard practice we do nothing for employees license for this situation alone. If you are a professional, be a professional. We pay for pre-licensing and the testing... re-tests, CE and the license itself all on the employee.

I would consider reimbursing when presented with proof of renewal. Again, leaves the burden on the producer to stay properly licensed, but you can pay for it.
Well I spent part of the day checking on mine. I'm licensed in 49 out of 50 + DC. So that was a pain in the ass but part of being in a call center at one time I suppose. I wish there was a better way, I had to go to each state and look it up that way.
Really? I would have thought that working for a corporation, they would change her dialer so the company could avoid that issue. If she's an independent then I could see that being her fault, but she's a captive agent.

She is an adult isn't she?

Would you think a doctor that works for a hospital could ignore his license renewal?
It is said that as a producer you are not only required to check the status of your license, but you must also verify that the company for which you conduct business is also licensed in the state you are working, the insurance regulatory department always sends you a expiration or of any accomplishment that you must carry out.