Mutual of Omaha Med Sup Appointment?


New Member
Hello- Can anyone let me know how strict MOO is to contract an agent to sell Med Sups?

I do not have any bankruptcies. I do have late payments and an old charge off. I am going through a short sale on my house which shows up. No arrests or insurance license issues.

Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks.
Hello- Can anyone let me know how strict MOO is to contract an agent to sell Med Sups?

I do not have any bankruptcies. I do have late payments and an old charge off. I am going through a short sale on my house which shows up. No arrests or insurance license issues.

Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks.

Credit score must be good. I don't know what score they require, but many fall out of the appointment process for this.
I believe MOO is like Americo and they require at least a 500 or better credit score. If MOO says no it is not the end of the world, you can find plenty of companies that in most cases will be more affordable than omaha anyway. and you can find them in your area.

Their commisions suck and I have a good contract with them. I don't sell them but I have been replacing a bunch of them in my area. They just had a big price increase.
Hello- Can anyone let me know how strict MOO is to contract an agent to sell Med Sups?

I do not have any bankruptcies. I do have late payments and an old charge off. I am going through a short sale on my house which shows up. No arrests or insurance license issues.

Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks.

we just had a husband and wife "agents" accepted. He lost his job after 10 years, filed BR in march 2009 and was accepted by MOO. They actually called them and talked for over an hour about it. He would prob discuss it with you if you send someway for him to get you. They are good people.

Good luck
Thanks to everyone for the input. This site has been a great help. Been a long time reader.
I have had overall a good experience with MOO, lots of agents do not necessairly feel that way though. Most seniors I speak with could care less about the name of their Medicare supplement company, which is what you are doing with MOO.
I have had overall a good experience with MOO, lots of agents do not necessairly feel that way though. Most seniors I speak with could care less about the name of their Medicare supplement company, which is what you are doing with MOO.

WOW, Anthem must not be big in your area.