Mutual of Omaha/United of Omaha


1000 Post Club
I know I've brought this up in previous posts but Mutual of Omaha/United of Omaha is taking even longer than normal to issue their Med supp policies. I've submitted apps and it's going on almost a month and these policies still are not issued. These are guarantee issue cases, turning 65 or the Plan N guarantee issue. They really need to do something. I can't cancel my clients old plans until they issue the new ones.....anyone else having this problem...a month seems excessive to still be pending when their GI
I can't get a handle on it. I submitted a Plan N over a month ago and it still hasn't been issued (and no, the client does not have ESRD). I have another Plan N submitted 2 weeks ago that has been issued. Because of their unpredictability, I am only writing MoO as a last resort. Even then, I will not write one with an effective date less than 50 days.
I can't get a handle on it. I submitted a Plan N over a month ago and it still hasn't been issued (and no, the client does not have ESRD). I have another Plan N submitted 2 weeks ago that has been issued. Because of their unpredictability, I am only writing MoO as a last resort. Even then, I will not write one with an effective date less than 50 days.

At one point recently, I was told the count was over 200,000 in the backlog of applications they still had to go through. In recent weeks, though, mine have been getting better at getting issued in 10-20 days. I think in July they should have things settled down. That's what I hear, anyway.
Mutual is taking in over 30,000 applications a week! Few MedSupp carriers have over 30,000 policyholders on their books. Few carriers are able to process this kind of volume. Mutual is doing it. They will end this year head and shoulders above the competition.

This volume will not let-up in July 2010. This will go all the way till February! :yes:

Sorry Mr. and Mrs. FutureClients, but, due to the skillful market takeover and overwhelming popularity of a financially sound carrier -- we need to apply 6 to 8 week ahead of your requested effective date. :jiggy:
So what happens if a client wants/needs an effective date of say July 1, but it's not approved until July 8th? And what happens if there's a claim issue in between?
They'll still pay, it's just the frusteration that your client doesn't have their health card and policy...nothing to show the doctor.

Also, it's the frusteration that the agent is not being paid for work they did a month ago.
Same here, and it seems it is only getting worse.

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Yes, things may be bad for a while. It might be partly because they are picking up all the admin work for other companies. Gerber, Woodmen/Assured life etc... Not sure what the connection is here but I'm sure there is one.