My 80-year old Mom is suffering sticker shock for her Auto Insurance

Weird, it's almost as if the insurance carriers have had catastrophic claims, including higher speed collisions, and cars that are more expensive to repair, and are passing that cost on to the insureds, as would make logical sense in a risk pool situation.

Oh wait, that's exactly what's happening all over the U.S.

I can't argue with that. About 1 year ago, I had to buy a REFURBISHED alternator, not even a NEW one. It was about $600 or so!!
Are they still blaming the supply channels for all of these price increases? In Houston, I have also noticed MANY instances where police are never around to ticket/apprehend drag speed racers on the freeways and surface streets.
COVID has screwed us around in so many ways. I wish that we could have 2019 back.
It's happening in all of the big cities. I drove to NYC last week and witnessed reckless driving, driving on shoulders, driving passed red lights, cars with no license get the idea. The police witness it and do nothing and I don't blame them. Why should they chance their jobs and pension? Oh, I should mention the illuminated signage on the major roads in the boros indicating that you should not call the policy if you are in a "minor accident".
She told me that she was paying $130/mo and is now increasing to $168/mo. She drives a 2023 Cadillac SUV

Went from $780 for six months to $1008 for six months. On a 2023 Cadillac SUV.

For one thing, you're delusional if you think there is a better deal out there anywhere.

For another, if she can afford a $50,000 car she shouldn't be kvetching about the insurance rates.

She can trade it in on a Honda Civic and pay half as much for insurance.

It is difficult for a widow on a single income.

She drives a 2023 Cadillac SUV and drives ONLY in the city.

Can't suck that bad. Sounds like she's living pretty high on the hog with a premium luxury vehicle.

Or, "difficult for a widow" as you phrased it.

I've known people having a difficult time on a single income. None of them drove a brand new luxury SUV.

Something isn't adding up here.

Can't suck that bad. Sounds like she's living pretty high on the hog with a premium luxury vehicle.

Or, "difficult for a widow" as you phrased it.

I've known people having a difficult time on a single income. None of them drove a brand new luxury SUV.

Something isn't adding up here.

Well you got me there. She had mentioned to me in the past that she doesn't splurge on much, no longer wants to travel and likes to have a good car. Her home is good and paid for.
It is a leased car (if that makes any difference), but the monthly bill is still about $500-550/mo. Up until all of the inflation hit, she was doing fine.
She is going to ask if she can lease something else that could be more affordable.
*Slowly rolls up the window to my '93 Honda Accord as I watch the woman in her 2023 Cadillac have a mental breakdown over her insurance rates next to me at the stoplight.*
*Slowly rolls up the window to my '93 Honda Accord as I watch the woman in her 2023 Cadillac have a mental breakdown over her insurance rates next to me at the stoplight.*

I know what you mean. My car is a 2015 Honda Pilot that has been paid off for over 5 years. When a person gets to be a certain age, they tend to like things a certain way. It is not in me to deny them this pleasure at this point in their lives. But, I think that she already sees the advantage of owning a less expensive car.
I know what you mean. My car is a 2015 Honda Pilot that has been paid off for over 5 years. When a person gets to be a certain age, they tend to like things a certain way. It is not in me to deny them this pleasure at this point in their lives. But, I think that she already sees the advantage of owning a less expensive car.
I own a Toyota Tacoma because it's one of the least expensive trucks to own. The up front cost is higher than comparable trucks, but the maintenance and the depreciation is far superior to other trucks, making it overall less expensive to own.

The really spectacular thing about a Cadillac SUV, is in addition to the upfront cost being high, the gas, maintenance and depreciation make it one of the most expensive vehicles to own.

Now she doesn't have enough money for her insurance.