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I started my agency in 2006 using Overture Pay-Per-Click. I created the ads,built our site, and managed the PPC campaigns myself. This soon became overwhelming as the leadsworked very well and the closing ratio was easily 2 or 3 out of 5 and this wasan average closing ratio. I decided totry third party leads in order to save time and be able to writer morebusiness, but as most here have stated, it was a complete waste of time andmoney.
The way I see it, the companies that sell leads, do exactly that, sell leads(names and addresses of people or businesses) which is no different thatopening the phone, closing your eyes and choosing someone to call. These people no snot about insurance or theinsurance needs of the consumer and have not a single clue on what we need asagents in order for it to be a productive service. They overcharge, overdistribute and as many have said mislead the agent.
They sell leads that are generated by affiliates that know even less about insurancethan the lead companies. These affiliates use misleading tactics to lureconsumers to complete a form in order to gain something other than an actualinsurance quote. The consumer isn't in the market for insurance, they aren'tshopping. They want to enter the contest for the $100 Starbucks Gift Card, theVisa Gift card or whatever. I have even seen ads on Facebook where if you fillout this form for an insurance quote, you'll receive Farmbucks Cash (A gameplayed on Facebook).
The answer is simple. Agents need to partner with agents, not third party companies that know nothing about our industry. Since attempting the use ofthird party leads in 2008, we have resumed control over our own lead generationand have never thought about doing it any other way since. Through the use ofSocial Media, PPC Campaigns, SEO, Video Marketing Etc. we continue to generate ourown leads to the extent that we use no other marketing strategies. We don't usethe Yellow pages, TV, Radio, Newspaper etc.
We are licensed in multi states and generate leads through our websites.However, we are not, nor do we desire to be setup up in all states. We getleads that are actual consumers seriously shopping for insurance and would beinterested in partnering with agencies in states that we are not licensed in sowe will not be direct competition but can refer clients to each other and workprofessionally together to better both agencies providing a win-win for allparties involved.
If you have questions or interest in how we can work together, I welcome theopportunity and look forward to speaking with you.
The way I see it, the companies that sell leads, do exactly that, sell leads(names and addresses of people or businesses) which is no different thatopening the phone, closing your eyes and choosing someone to call. These people no snot about insurance or theinsurance needs of the consumer and have not a single clue on what we need asagents in order for it to be a productive service. They overcharge, overdistribute and as many have said mislead the agent.
They sell leads that are generated by affiliates that know even less about insurancethan the lead companies. These affiliates use misleading tactics to lureconsumers to complete a form in order to gain something other than an actualinsurance quote. The consumer isn't in the market for insurance, they aren'tshopping. They want to enter the contest for the $100 Starbucks Gift Card, theVisa Gift card or whatever. I have even seen ads on Facebook where if you fillout this form for an insurance quote, you'll receive Farmbucks Cash (A gameplayed on Facebook).
The answer is simple. Agents need to partner with agents, not third party companies that know nothing about our industry. Since attempting the use ofthird party leads in 2008, we have resumed control over our own lead generationand have never thought about doing it any other way since. Through the use ofSocial Media, PPC Campaigns, SEO, Video Marketing Etc. we continue to generate ourown leads to the extent that we use no other marketing strategies. We don't usethe Yellow pages, TV, Radio, Newspaper etc.
We are licensed in multi states and generate leads through our websites.However, we are not, nor do we desire to be setup up in all states. We getleads that are actual consumers seriously shopping for insurance and would beinterested in partnering with agencies in states that we are not licensed in sowe will not be direct competition but can refer clients to each other and workprofessionally together to better both agencies providing a win-win for allparties involved.
If you have questions or interest in how we can work together, I welcome theopportunity and look forward to speaking with you.