My Home Insurance Went Up 97%..need Help!

And what is the minimum loss ratio for home owners or refund checks get mailed? Ohhh wait there isn't one.

This is an industry site and they don't specify what the blue or red portion of the graph mean, but assuming this is halfway accurate... there never will be a rebate check in Texas for homeowners.

Texas Insurance Loss Data

Here is one by the TDOI, several pages down it shows a combined ratio of in excess of 110% on one segment of the homeowner's market in 2009. Even further in is a page showing underwriting profit for the past twelve years in Texas starting with 2011. Here is a hint, there is none.
Industry data.

Smoke and mirrors.

I have never had a claim in my life. I have paid under $1000 now I believe I am closer to $4000. We have never had hurricane damage. I have a separate flood policy.

I would gladly take a 5% deductible for a $1000 policy. Not available.

Customization is limited. Policy coverage is no where near what it was years ago.

Got mold? Too bad.

Have a claim? Unlike health you will be singled out for rate increases or refused a new policy for years.

Own a gun in your home? You could be denied coverage.

Have bad credit? They can use this and other discriminating underwriting.

It's completely out of control.
I think your credit rating would affect the premium amount some how. But then you could make a deal with the insurer to settle in for a cheaper cover or lower the premium amount.
CRI (Credit Rating Index) is now used by all companies when it come to Homeowners and Auto insurance. I think the last company in the industry to implement CRI was American Family back in 2005.. but like I said, that was the longest hold out regarding credit usage. It's a monster you can't get away from. I would suggest shopping around.

Us Independent Agents can always do the shopping for you at renewal time :)
Should be illegal... I think American Family was the one who refused my home owners because I owned a gun? Ummmmm seriously I live in Texas isn't that state law? I might be mixing them up with someone else... I can't believe what P & C companies get away with apparently even violating the constitution.