National Health Care? ? ?

Last person I talked to about is what I told them

Them - Medicare works, so we all should have that coverage
Me - Lets look at that

The vast majority of people who have Medicare are 65+. That is roughly 13% of the population. Medicare costs about 25% of the federal budget. So, if we covered 100% of the people on Medicare, that would mean Medicare for all would consist of roughly 200+% of the national budget.

Them - Well, if we pulled out of Iraq we could fund it
Me - How much does Medicare cost?
Them - It cost money?
Me - So, you are telling me Medicare works, but you have no idea how therefor everyone should have it.
Them - Umm...well...

Try throwing numbers at people who want national health care and watch their argument crumble.
Last person I talked to about is what I told them

Them - Medicare works, so we all should have that coverage
Me - Lets look at that

The vast majority of people who have Medicare are 65+. That is roughly 13% of the population. Medicare costs about 25% of the federal budget. So, if we covered 100% of the people on Medicare, that would mean Medicare for all would consist of roughly 200+% of the national budget.

Them - Well, if we pulled out of Iraq we could fund it
Me - How much does Medicare cost?
Them - It cost money?
Me - So, you are telling me Medicare works, but you have no idea how therefor everyone should have it.
Them - Umm...well...

Try throwing numbers at people who want national health care and watch their argument crumble.

Gotta love those round numbers :) Great rebuttal Mike. I tell people Canada is having a sale on drugs and Cuba is now offering a box of cigars with every Lasik procedure completed.
You don't need to go to Mexico to get papers. All you need is a matricular consular card and you're done. I think they're about $15 in Santa Ana or LA. No biggie.
I'm also gonna sneak into Mexico. I'm gonna open a business and not learn the language then get pissed when everyone in my community doesn't speak English.

Obviously that will not work, Mexico has laws and they enforce their laws! A immigrant can not, Own Land, Operate a Business or work and has to prove they have funding of XX amount. Dang, we should be doing the same thing.
1) Pork riders on bills needs to stop. If say Alaska wants a museum they can pay for it.

2) Accountability of gov't funds. Right now there is none. Projects are funded with millions of dollars and no one tracks it.

3) Flat tax - it needs to happen. Right now we have a tax on success where people who work harder support tax reductions for people with no ambition.

4) Welfare programs....end them. Everyone gets "X" amount of years on welfare while we pay for child care and some type of trade or education. After that it ends. For the people who still don't get it put 'em in some type of nasty shack, give 'em food stamps and forget about 'em. Right now we have "welfare generations."

We actually have plenty of money - gobs of it. But it's grossly mismanaged. Large corporations pay little to no taxes under that "we'll just leave the country" threat.

We need to impose some type of tariff on the goods of companies who choose to run their business out of the country. They don't like paying taxes in the US? Fine - make it cost them double to operate overseas.

Do Corporations vote? When you tax corporations you double tax the individual.