Nationwide Associate Agent Contract Question


New Member
My dad has been an agent with nationwide going on his 40th year. He will be retiring at the end of the year at which time he has to sell his book back to Nationwide. I have been working for him over 10 years and was wanting to start an independent agency in his office because we own the building. We have the same name and it's a small town so most people know the name so getting customers won't be too hard assuming the rates are decent. Anyways, our district manager informed us today, that he believes when I signed my contract with nationwide that it said I will not work within 25 miles of our agency building. Does anyone know if there is any truth to this? We have ordered my contract to see what it actually says but I have a feeling I am screwed. At least for a year anyways. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I kind of figured they can pick and choose what they do. Another agent came to town about 5 years ago and opened another Nationwide less than a mile from our office and our town is really small. We were the only agent in town for over 40 years. It was passed on by my uncle to my dad but they put a stop to all of that. But of course he is one of those top selling agents and has I think 7 agencies across the state.

Well its pretty much like a small house. We own the land and everything. So when and if I open my own agency I won't have any rent which would definitely help when starting out.

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